Positive attributes for life

Top Five Things You Should Celebrate and be Proud of Now

Did you ever sit back and think about your achievement’s this year — big or small? We’re slowly heading into the 365 days of an entire year. I’m guessing


Five Surprising Life Lessons I Discovered Now I’m Older And Know Better

When we’re young, It’s hard to understand that life is short, fleeting and filled with ups and downs. I would change a lot of things now


Four Ways To Courageously Take On The Day Ahead and Boost Your Levels Of Happiness

You know those days when waking up is a chore, and right from that very second your eyes open, you have a terrible feeling in


Four things that helped me overcome shyness, gain confidence and find my voice

You will be shocked by one of my points on overcoming shyness. I was always a shy person from the time I began going to


Six of the best tips that will help change our life, and increase results

Train your mind and change your life. Training the mind to produce the best possible outcomes for our life is not as exciting as you think. But


How Death Cultivates Seeds Of Happiness While Eliminating Devastation’s Of Regret

Happiness and regret go hand in hand, determining the quality of our lives. Experiencing high peaks in our life makes it a lot easier to


Five Ways Napoleon Hill Taught Me To Create A Mindset For Success

One thing that became a consistent topic was the most famous success book of all time. It’s called Think and grow rich by napoleon hill.


Four ways to succeed in living a healthy and abundant life

Healthy living is not only about the things we eat. It’s also about the thoughts we let accumulate into our minds.   Many of us


Do you set the same goals every year, like losing weight, and starting to exercise but never get past thinking about it?

Don’t run away from your goals! I think we are all inclined to do this each and every year. It’s always fun to set yourself


How can I work on my self-discipline?

The cutlery looks more scared of you than you are of them… It seems like some people can do it all, and have everything in