
11 Health habits that are enjoyable and help you lead a better life

It’s time to build a nurturing friendship with food and lifestyle habits Food — is something we love and, at times, then

Chick pea, sweet potato & spinach curry

It's time to show some love by going back on the vegan side for the day. Make your mark with

If during intermittent fasting and my stomach growls, should I eat or ignore it?

It’s perfectly normal for your stomach to growl during the fasting period. The longer you fast, the more inclined it

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What is a good 60-minute high intensity workout?

When I want to increase the intensity of my work outs, I tend to do a number of exercises back


Five ways that you may be sabotaging your gut health

Our gut is a precious thing, with a life of its own. I’ve always assumed my gut is talking to


Carbs Can Be Good For You, But Not When This Happens To You

Does anyone out there not enjoy their carbs? You won’t be seeing me living without carbs. At one stage of


Seven golden wisdom snippets I wish I knew in my twenties and thirties

Becoming older is inevitable — No one can escape it, yet we still have a fair way to go along


You should always avoid these 4 foods completely

We may mistakenly think these foods are safe — but they are wrapped in false flavour There are certain products on the market


Exhaustion during the day leads to craving more of this food

One key thing to avoid if you want to eliminate cravings It’s not only adults but teens who suffer from