Top Five Things You Should Celebrate and be Proud of Now

Did you ever sit back and think about your achievement’s this year — big or small?

We’re slowly heading into the 365 days of an entire year. I’m guessing most of us aren’t ready for 2022, as we’ve yet to recover from the previous year! But seriously, though, did you stop to think about all the achievements and growth spurts you had along the whirlwind year that was 2021? I’m sure if you think long and hard about it, many “Ah-hah” moments will come up for you. We all have at least one, but several have indeed occurred. You’ve just gotten into the habit of dismissing yourself again, as we all seem to do. So for the last week of the year, I urge you to think about those pivotal moments that helped you grow spiritually, physically, and mentally. And I encourage you to go one up on this one — what about the moments you showed kindness and gratitude? 

Number One: The ability to put yourself first without guilt

I did something a little indulgent to close off the end of my year. It’s been a tough one, with my mum’s death. There isn’t a moment that goes by when I don’t miss her. So, I got a few wins at work and some vouchers as a result. I chose to spend the money on “me” and indulge in a 2-hour spar treatment. Boy, am I excited for when the moment arrives. I haven’t had a self-indulgent 2 hours for that many years. In those two hours, I get someone who can massage me, give me a facial and I can sit and immerse myself in a sweaty sauna. How is that for getting rid of the year’s toxins? I will feel like a million dollars after this treatment — and I deserve it guilt-free! When have you put yourself first so you can feel good, look great and experience a little bit of luxury? If not, why not now?

Number Two: Helping someone else in need even though you didn’t have to

Over the past two years, we’ve all become a little self-indulgent in the pity me a party. I know I have. Lockdowns, restrictions and being cast away in our own home has put people in a scared state — and one of fear and anxiety. When my mum was in the stages of passing away at home, I bought a lot of essentials for her online. Things I never knew existed like hair washing caps, body washing moisture wipes and so on. I also got a few other things that I didn’t use. The palliative care facility that came to our home to help us with mum said that they were not funded by the government — only by the kindness of peoples donations. That broke my heart. These nurses put their lives at risk during the worst Covid outbreak, working in a highly emotional job, visiting the terminally ill at home — yet acting with kindness, love and encouragement. After mum passed away, I had many of these much-needed essentials sitting around unopened. I wanted to give these essentials to the facility to thank them for the kindness and care they showed to us. I didn’t know who it helped, but those small items would have made a massive difference to someone struggling. You don’t even need to buy someone a gift that costs a lot of money. It could be the gift of your time, a hug or maybe a coffee. Perhaps it’s giving a bit of money to charity. These small things count as something very special to the person who receives it. Everyone LOVES kindness showered upon them. Never underestimate what a hard time people may be going through. One day it could be you. 

Number Three: Going the extra mile in your work because you want to

When I mentioned to a colleague that I had to finish a project on Sunday, she was shocked. To that, she replied, “I don’t get paid enough to do that.” In one instance, she was right, but on the other, she’s rueing her chances for further advancement in herself and future success. I didn’t work on the weekend because I had to — and in no way do I get paid extra or get praise for doing so. I did it because I wanted to. Because the work I do reflects my self made brand — and that’s how I sell myself to people and my organisation. I take pride in what I do, and if that means working a few hours on the weekend to perfect something — then I want to do it. Going the extra mile for others to help them achieve their goals will put you in the hot seat for further advancement. It shows commitment, hard work, and doing what it takes to get the job done right. That’s how I run the brand called “me” how do you run yours? If you value the effort and creative input you put into your work and do so with pride — that’s undoubtedly something to be proud of. 

Number Four: Saying no to things you don’t want to do

Women have huge problems with this challenge. We’re so used to forever saying “yes” to our kids, making everyone around us happy that we become miserable. Your time is valuable and should be spent with the people you love and the things you enjoy doing. Saying no and not feeling guilty is a big thing. Even I struggle with this daily. But once you do it, you realise it wasn’t such a big deal after all, and it doesn’t make you a three-headed monster. It makes you self assured and assertive. No one likes a doormat — and you weren’t born to be the self sacrificer. 

Number Five: Achieving a health goal that plagued you

I must chime in here and put a big “well done” for anyone who overcame a significant health challenge this year. It’s not easy to put in place a set of steps to overcome a health scare, and even more so when you’re doing it just because you can and want to. Some people have to give up drinking. This was the case for a colleague of mine. He was having a baby with his wife and turned his health around. It was vital for him to be as healthy and energetic as possible for his newborn and the two other children he had. So he stopped drinking, started running more, and eating better with that intention.Everyone has their reasons for turning their health around. Whatever it might be for you, stand proud that you took those little steps. Even if you screwed up sometimes, you did it. The first step is always the most brutal battle. 

Now it’s your turn to take a pen out, open your diary and write down even the most minor things you did this year for yourself, a cause or another person. There is no need to give a million dollars, but a moment of your time, thoughtfulness, love and kindness go a long way for others. Love and light to you, my friends.

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If you would like to express gratitude with coffee, send the love via this link.

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