Four ways to succeed in living a healthy and abundant life

Healthy living is not only about the things we eat. It’s also about the thoughts we let accumulate into our minds.
Many of us run unconscious words in our minds repeatedly, which produce adverse outcomes and lead us towards failure rather than triumph.
It’s terrifying when you sit down for a moment, close your eyes and do nothing. I bet in this state; your mind will start wandering around a million miles an hour. Common thoughts are anxiety, what to cook for dinner, what someone else said to you and what you wish you thought to speak to someone else as a comeback.
Do you know that at some stage or another, we accept these thoughts and let them rule our lives – because we believe they are who we indeed are?
You are not your thoughts, and you are not the sum of your thoughts, and you can control what you do and don’t listen to. It may sound easy, but it’s tough. What’s required is a daily practice and never letting a single day pass without being diligent about this practice. What will help you condition your mind is reading positive quotes, listening to speeches or motivational coaches on YouTube or even buying some audiobooks on the subject. You can even pray or meditate regularly. I know that when I’ve been down and everything has been crumbling around me, I turn to these mediums to help me turn my mind and life around.
When it comes to our mindset, we all need daily coaching because once you stop working on your self, that’s when the weeds start growing again. Soon enough, without content repetition, those weeds take over, and you are swamped with negativity too. It’s essential to work on your self more than you work on anything else. Once you do this daily, then you will begin to see results in your life.
If we don’t touch on this subject, then having a healthy lifestyle will be many written words, a recipe book or some exercise program. It just won’t become a driving force for you. A healthy mind then resorts to health and abundance in every other aspect of your life.
Why is this the case? Once you start cultivating thoughts you do want and project to yourself the ideal future, you will automatically begin to take the necessary steps to make that happen. That includes your health, work, career, family and anything else that matters to you.
It all starts with what’s going on upstairs.
When you choose only to let the good guys in, everything you want is waiting for you – you have to think about it, love it and work hard for it.
This is the one thing that set me apart from everyone else during my competitive phase. When all the other women in the group stopped or didn’t have success, I still kept going because I had that in my mind and kept working on it. I may not have been perfect or the best, but I did it. It takes a lot of guts and commitment to make a difference in your life and your health. Anyone can do it; it’s just a matter of how willing they are to go through the obstacles to get to the glorious sunshine.
I could tell you all the tips and tricks that I’ve mentioned in hundreds of articles, and it’s all just a bunch of words in a blog post. Yes, they are true, and I stand by those philosophies – but what I stand me first and foremost is the power of our minds and intentions. I dedicate this post to that very thing.


Four ways to succeed in living a healthy and abundant life

  1. Set your intentions and be specific (ask why you want this). Write down what it is you want, all of them – don’t leave any out. Whatever your heart desires, write it down. Keep that with you at all times, and know that you are doing the hard yards because of the things you care about most – the heartfelt things.
  2. What will it give you when you achieve these things on your list. Write down in great detail the changes that will result in your life when you accomplish this. What will you see, who will you become, and what will change?
  3. When things go down, lookup, you will have moments or days when things go wrong, and I want you to know that’s life. We can’t avoid suffering, but we can push our way through it. Why? Well, the reality is that tough times don’t last forever, and you must notice what good will come out of this challenge. Sometimes we focus so much on how bad things are that we don’t realise it has to lead us to the thing we want anyway.
  4. It’s always going to be a work in progress. Throughout life, we change, want new things or lose control. This is entirely normal, and we are all human, after all. Striving for perfection is not the summit here – seeking is for you to become the person you need to be. No one stops learning about themselves. It’s an ever-evolving journey of self-discovery until we take our last breath. Be ok with that, and always look for the best in every situation.

I hope this helps you somewhat. A lot of our health issues stem from our mindset and how worthy we believe we are. When we start to turn that very challenging aspect around, everything changes – including our health and results. Feel free to upvote this if you found it helpful in any way. You’re welcome to join me on my various social platforms, and do go ahead and download your Empowering habit changer guide. I’m also on Instagram.

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