What’s the worst exercise for ageing?

I would have to say, without a doubt that long-duration cardio, is as bad as endurance running. Its job is to eat away at your hard-earned muscle mass, as well as produce free radicals in the body. Free radicals are key to damaging the cells in your body, which kick starts the ageing process.

The problem with cardio is that too many people use this strategy for longer periods of time, and not dedicating enough time to increasing their strength, to promote muscle growth and strengthening our skeletal system.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that many other exercises (apart from weight training) can make you stronger. All these other aerobic type exercises like boot camp, zumba, aerobics do not make your bones and muscles stronger. Sure, they are great and fun to do and have some kind of benefits, but they are not on the same wavelength as strength training. They can, in fact, make you happy, or help you achieve some wins with co-ordination tactics. This isn’t a bad thing after all, and you can and should use then in conjunction with other forms of exercise to get the most out of both worlds

Just make sure that proper technique is used at all times when weight training, and this is best drafted up by a professional strength trainer in your local area. It’s to your advantage if you use a properly skilled individual, as you will definitely get your money’s worth, not to mention, save yourself from injury.

Therefore, I recommend diminishing or even abandoning the traditional form of long-distance, or long-duration cardio. opt instead for a properly designed strength training program that will increase your confidence, change your body shape, and help you look younger.

P.S I had to share a picture of JLow, as I know she’s 50 and absolutely kicking it. Why? Well, it’s diet, and exercise of course – she weight trains. If this isn’t a testament to ageing well according to your activity, I don’t know what is?!

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