The Faster and Easier Way to Lose Weight & Keep it Off for Life

Man with a watch on his wrist

If you want to shift the weight without a lot of fussing about it, choose to fast

I initially didn’t take the Intermittent fasting route to lose weight — although I wasn’t happy with my body shape. Fasting was something that I left as a last resort. I’m a typical old-school bodybuilder who ate five meals a day, stayed lean, and developed muscle and strength. But after a few years of doing this, my body began to develop inflammation. As a result, I suffered from a lot of digestive issues. Our gut is key to health and longevity. These problems interrupted my life and left me feeling that I couldn’t work in my office or go anywhere in my spare time. It was too uncomfortable, and I was distracted by never-ending toilet visits. And that was just the beginning. Gut issues can affect your mental health as well. I noticed I was making several mistakes due to wrong thinking, as well as from anxiety. The spiral was never-ending at the time. I didn’t think I could claw my way out of this one just by skipping a meal or two. You might be thinking, what’s my gut to do with it? Well, a lot. See, your inability to lose weight isn’t only about your food and the exercise you perform. It has a lot to do with hormonal function, how well you absorb food, how much of it is used for energy and what’s shuffled into your fat cells. There is a HUGE process towards keeping yourself lean — and far too many people dismiss the fundamentals of health and longevity. 

What I have discovered along my journey

Fasting does help you lose a large amount of weight, but it also helps you with many health problems, including regulating your blood sugar and healing your gut. At first, nothing happened to my body. This method seemed to work for others but didn’t do anything for me. But the magic happens slowly over time as your hormones start regulating themselves, and then the weight loss begins to occur. 

Why fasting?

Fasting has been around throughout human evolution. Our ancient hunter-gatherers didn’t have the luxury of endless food on hand. Therefore, they went hungry for long periods. Fasting is then considered a natural occurrence, and sometimes eating less than three meals per day isn’t a significant cause of distress. The fasting method is highly effective for weight loss, as long as you don’t compensate by overeating during your feasting hours. This is a crucial point here. It’s the one thing that can sabotage your weight loss goals and any benefits fasting may bring. 

Benefits of intermittent fasting

Unlike dieting, fasting has more benefits than just your standard fat loss. The process inside your body is truly unique and can help you regain better health and longevity in so many ways. HGH — Your human growth hormone levels are enhanced. This is a benefit for fat loss and muscle gain, as well as combating ageing (all without any drugs or highly restricted eating) Changes your genes. Your genes alter to protect against disease and also increase your longevity. Insulin sensitivity. Your insulin levels drop dramatically. That means that the lower your insulin levels are, the more able your body can utilise stored fat as energy. 

Why you should consider fasting as a weight-loss tool

Fewer meals mean caloric reduction. That’s just the general rule when it comes to fat loss. Eating fewer meals can be very hard for some people. But, unfortunately, it’s hard for us all when we start. I have found it a lot easier not to eat or snack endlessly throughout the day. Eating six meals a day causes you to become hungry and overeat without the intention of doing so. When you fast, hormones facilitate weight loss. It happens automatically — you don’t have to do anything but fast. These changes can increase your metabolic rate. Most people have been led to believe it diminishes your metabolism — but this is false. By helping you eat less and burning more calories, intermittent fasting causes weight loss by changing both sides of the calorie equation. When it comes to your work in the gym, fasting causes less muscle loss than your stock standard diet, which consists of prolonged calorie reduction. That also means you won’t have to fight off natural cravings and excessive hunger that caloric restriction brings. 


You may gather that there are many more benefits to intermittent fasting than your usual calorie-restricted diet. The main benefit here is that you can do this long term, fitting it into your lifestyle, alternating the feeding and fasting times as you see fit. You will benefit from body fat loss, but you will also reduce insulin resistance, reduce inflammation markers in the body and extend your longevity. So it is well worth the small effort to gain a whole lot. 

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