Five Rules to Fasting for Fat Loss Success – Backed by Science

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Weight loss is so much easier when you fast

According to the Annual Review of Nutrition, fasting produces mild to moderate results in weight loss. The great news about fasting is that it’s a straightforward and effective way to lose weight; it’s also a clinically proven way to improve your metabolism. Intermittent fasting can decrease blood pressure and insulin resistance. In some cases, it can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Other health benefits are:

  • Improving your appetite
  • Improve your gut microbiome

This particular review viewed over 25 research studies that targeted three different types of intermittent fasting 

  • Alternating fasting days. This involved a day of normal eating, altering between a fasting day, consuming only 500 calories during one meal.
  • The 5:2. This is a modified alternate-day fast, including five days of eating and two fasting days per week.
  • They limited eating time. They were eating only within a specific number of hours, usually four to ten hours, including no caloric restrictions on when you may eat.

Studies showed that those with obesity lost 3% body weight, regardless of the eating window. The alternate-day fasting group lost between 3–8% of body weight over eight weeks, with results peaking during the 12 weeks. In addition, those on the alternate-day fasting did not overindulge or binge on feast days. This results in mild to moderate weight loss. Participants in the 5:2 diet showed very similar results, which is surprising. It left researchers scratching their heads because participants fasted less frequently than alternate day fast participants, yet the weight loss results were very similar. Calorie restricted diets have a strong comparison in weight loss results similar to those who practice 5:2 & alternate day fasting. These diets allowed the participating individuals to maintain an average of 7% weight loss for a year. This is excellent news for anyone who wants the fast-tracking results from fasting without going for long periods without food. One thing I want to clear up again (because there is a lot of false information) is that fasting doesn’t ruin your metabolism. It also doesn’t cause distorted eating. People experience a boost of energy when fasting — which is a surprise for most. 

So, if you want to try intermittent fasting, here are some considerations to take into account, which the study review includes, are:

One: How to exercise

You can perform moderate to high-intensity endurance and resistance training while fasting (or reducing your caloric intake). Some participants reported having a lot more energy on fasting days. It’s good to try eating your meal (or having your first meal) after exercise to balance hunger levels. 

Two: Nutrition during your fast

It’s recommended you eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to boost fibre intake and help relieve constipation. Vegetables are low in fat high on the satisfaction level — which helps relieve hunger and cravings. 

Three: Fasting can increase constipation

Ensuring you eat enough fibre will quickly alleviate the problem. Constipation contributed to feeling uncomfortable during the first few weeks of fasting. No other recommendations were made in terms of diet (although, as you know, it’s always a good idea to eat healthy foods while avoiding refined sugars). 

Four: Fasting time adjustment

You may experience headaches, lack of energy, dizziness and constipation as side effects of fasting. This only lasts for about the first two weeks. So don’t be alarmed by this; stick with it, and you will push through it. Drinking more water will help keep you on top of any dehydration issues and encourage regular bowel movements. 

Five: Alcohol

Alcohol isn’t recommended as a wise way to use your limited calorie consumption on fasting days. So, if you can, avoid it in preference to eating a much better meal instead. 

Key Takeaways

Intermittent fasting is loved by many because it’s so simple and easy. When there is flexibility, limited rules and adjustments can be altered according to your lifestyle. Then it’s more than likely going to be something you stick with (and possibly enjoy!). Although there is a lot of different literature online, books, apps and many “theories” you can read up on — the basics still apply. If you have food preferences or allergies, the good news is you can apply them to your veganism, paleo diet or even ketogenic way of life. Please check out the link here to read more in-depth information regarding this research. If you would like to read more articles like this or start writing your own, please sign up via my link. I’d love to see you on the other side. ???????? Sign up here for your medium subscription. I get a portion of your monthly fee at no extra cost to you, and it will go a long way in supporting me as a writer. 

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