How you can increase your lifespan by applying 2 very simple principles

These days, we’re all living substantially longer than our great grandparents.

The unfortunate occurrence is that, although a longer life is beneficial, and we get to spend more time with loved ones, most of those years can increase age-related diseases — such as cancer, dementia, and even Alzheimer’s.

When we better understand ageing, our genes, nutrition, and how they are highly involved in the journey towards ageing, we can increase our healthspan, giving us the best chance of living a disease-free life.

Although many processes in the body stimulate disease growth and halt its function, we can simplify this into a less scientific journey that anyone can use.

Your food choices and ageing

I know many people roll their eyes with this one — but let me again highlight the scientifically proven fact that diet is crucial when it comes to your quality of life. It’s widely known that caloric-restricted diets can prolong your lifespan & improves health (hello, Intermittent fasting and my obsession). It’s also apparent in animals.

Scientists realised that the quality of specific nutrients, such as amino acids, is linked to longevity rather than the calories consumed.

It makes sense then to theorise that fasting to be a predecessor of the longevity theory.

When we fast, it’s evident that we consume fewer amino acids — which constitutes this finding. However, perhaps the lines have been blurred.

Our cells sense the number of nutrients in their environment through specific molecules within our cells.

When the cells have plenty of amino acids, enzymes tweak our metabolism and instruct the cells to grow by making many proteins. When the amino acids are limited, the body is then signalled to be on alert.

This is a state called “mild stress response.” This stress response is beneficial not only to your cells but to the whole organism. Therefore, increased protein translation and turnover produces a negative effect.

Longevity is ultimately related to the bodies ability to cope with internal and external stresses effectively. A cell on alert manages better.

Conversely, a cell that invests in protein translation (growth) lowers its defences and cannot cope with stressors.

To give you a recent study related to animals lifespans, They found that longer-lived animals have lower protein turnover and energy demands within the cells when compared to short-lived ones.

What has Gafl got to do with anything

This protein binds on the cells DNA, activating or repressing specific genes.

Cells lacking in Gafl are short-lived. TOR signals cells to grow, which contributes to their ageing. When TOR stops through dietary or restriction or drugs, growth screeches to a halt, and lifespan extends.

Without Gafl, the growth isn’t halted, and the observed lifespan extension is not taking place fully. Thus, this molecule mediates some of the beneficial effects of dietary restriction.

Gafl exists in many animals, including humans, and controls our development and stem cells, essential in developing diseases like cancer.

Dietary restriction and specific drugs can and does increase our longevity and healthspan.

What can you do today?

First and foremost, as I encourage fasting for both longevity and fat loss, exercising the restriction of amino acids is also necessary.

The primary nutrient we are concerned about here is protein. Reducing the intake of protein can and will help decrease our chances of developing age-related diseases.

One of the best diets to adopt is that of a vegetarian.

Some people may choose the Mediterranean diet for its high rate of vegetables and seafood. In addition, nuts, olive oil and avocado, are available in abundance.

The main point here is to lower protein — but still consume it in a smaller dose.

To that, you may be asking, how many portions of protein should I have? Well, it’s a lot less than what you think! You may be shocked at just how little you need.

To recap — here are the principles:

P1: Lower Protein

P2: Intermittent fasting to naturally lower caloric and protein rate

It’s not essential to do both, but they work well as an all-around strategy for fat loss, maintenance and longevity.

To that, you may be asking, how many portions of protein should I have? Well, it’s a lot less than what you think! You may be shocked at just how little you need.

Dr Gundry Illustrates how much protein we should be having. I think it’s important to note that Gundry debunks the myth regarding our adequate intake of protein for both adults and the elderly. For years most of us have been given false information about how much protein we need to have — especially those who want to build and maintain muscle mass.

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