3 reasons why fasting is the best weight loss method when in lockdown

This is a great question and one that has left a lot of people in distress because of the lack of activity. When we are working and doing our chores outside of the home, it’s very easy to get some exercise – not to mention having many gyms open for us to tackle our body reshaping goals. The challenge is, when a particular country is in full lockdown, and not able to leave their home. That’s when things get a bit more challenging. You have the mental, emotional and physical state of your being to deal with. When looking it from that perspective, we’ve been very fortunate having the freedoms we once took for granted. Just going outside and seeing some green grass is a blessing now!

I’m going to give you the simple and most effective solution for weight loss. It is and will always be your diet. You can never out-train a bad diet. When in lockdown, it’s extremely important to keep a watchful eye on your food intake, and the quality of food you are eating. There is not a lot of room for endless indulgences, but a lot more flexibility in what you cook and when you cook it. The easiest and most effective solution is to take into consideration, not only the outdoor restrictions, but being able to get sources of food available as you need to.

Therefore, I recommend; The top weight loss tip when in lockdown at home – is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is a cessation of eating food for a certain amount of time. This caters both for weight loss, and also restrictions with food supplies. It works both ways and will provide you with the results you desire for weight loss. Here are the top 4 reasons why fasting works so well.

3 reasons why fasting is the best weight loss method when in lockdown

  1. You don’t need to eat a lot of food. Contrary to the notion that eating regularly helps with weight loss. This is not necessarily true. Eating above and beyond the calories, you expend on a daily basis will increase your chances of putting on body fat. Fasting intermittently helps to combat this problem. You can choose whatever timeframe works for you and cater it around the food that is actually available. It keeps you out of the kitchen and doing something else that’s more productive. Why not learn a new skill, read those books you’ve always wanted to read, or spend some quality time with your kids and help them with school? There are so many more things we can all do, not having to think of cooking and eating all the time.

    Now, it still is beneficial for you to eat the healthiest food possible when intermittently fasting. If you want to lose weight, you must make that the most top priority. That means, protein, vegetables and complex carbohydrates. This is not a time to eat junk food at all. Feed your body the best food you can get your hands on.

  2. It’s an easy way to approach weight loss. Because you cease eating food for a duration of time, it makes it a lot more sustainable and easier to experience weight loss results. Rather than completely restricting what you eat every day, you are restricting a window of eating. Most of that time can be taken up when you are sleeping – so you are halfway there. A lot of people skip breakfast, or perhaps dinner. There is no right or wrong, and it’s completely flexible based on your lifestyle and also how busy you are in your daily life. Because we have evolved to eat this way from the paleolithic times, it makes sense to run the same strategy now, despite the amount of food that is available for us every single day. There is a lot of research regarding this way of eating, and the positive effects it has on our health. I would urge you to do your own research as well.
  3. You don’t have to or need to work out. Exercising is something we all should attempt to do regularly, for our health and also our wellbeing. Because we are fasting, and our bodies naturally use fat for fuel, we don’t have to officially exercise to help us lose body fat. Exercise will be a great assistance to you when you want to lose weight at a faster rate, and also change your body shape (I’m speaking regarding weight training, not straight up cardio). But the truth needs to be told, that it’s not a fundamental requirement for weight loss. The bucks start and end with your meals, how much you eat and what kind of food you are eating. I think this is something many people fail to grasp. Exercise cannot and will not alter the way your body stores or burns the poor fuel you eat. The o This is a great question, and one that has left a lot of people in distress because of the lack of activity. When we are working and doing our chores outside of the home, it’s very easy to get some exercise – not to mention having many gyms open for us to tackle our body reshaping goals. The challenge is, when a particular country is in full lockdown, and not able to leave their home. That’s when things get a bit more challenging. You have the mental, emotional and physical state of your being to deal with. When looking it from that perspective, we’ve been very fortunate having the freedoms we once took for granted. Just going outside and seeing some green grass is a blessing now!

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