5 easy and strategic nutritional tips you need to know, if you want to build muscle.

Your nutrition and the frequency of your training are both as important as each-other, when it comes to building muscle. It’s important from the onset of your journey, to develop the most simple, effective and sustainable nutritional habits, which can become second nature to you – and of course, get you the muscle building results you want.

There are also some nutritional misconceptions which I’d like to talk about. It’s good to be able to know what they are, then decide on what dietary habits you want to put in place for building muscle with each meal and work out. We want the best results possible, and not having to side-track because of injury or illness.

5 easy and strategic nutritional tips you need to know, if you want to build muscle.

  1. Keep it simple & plan ahead. Always have ample supplies of simple, yet nutritious protein rich food on hand (and batch cook) like eggs, chicken, seafood, yogurt and nuts. These should be very easy to find, even when supply restrictions are in place because of Covid-19. Aim for these foods, and try to buy in bulk, so you always have them in your fridge.
  2. Carbs pre- workout for energy isn’t really needed. You can still enjoy your lower carb diet, and not have to worry about losing muscle. It’s a lot better for your physique goals too, because putting on extra body fat on top of muscles isn’t all that enticing. The muscle glycogen you had before your workout, should be enough to sustain you for an hour’s workout. Keep in mind that if you are training at home (which is highly likely) you definitely won’t need to worry too much about eating before your workout. A high protein meal is more than enough. Save the extra carbs for when the gym opens, and you start to lift heavy again.
  3. If you really love your carbs, eat them after your workout. After working out (especially after a good weight session) your body will be burning calories at a faster rate. It is also more likely that your body will use those carbs to replenish muscle glycogen, instead of shuttling it to your fat cells.
  4. Spread out your protein for the best muscle building potential. If your main goal is to build muscle, make sure you space your protein intake, over the course of the day, so you are continuously stimulating protein synthesis. This builds lean muscle mass. If you must, have a protein shake as one of your meals, but do aim for real food whenever possible.
  5. Try having some protein before bed. This will help you sustain protein synthesis overnight. A study of young men found that taking protein at 11.30pm before subjects went to bed, increased protein synthesis by 25 percent, and it was maintained all night. If you are a hard gainer, perhaps this may help you to keep up your muscle building potential. Try some whey protein or a plant-based variety, and see what changes become apparent for you.

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