How You Can Stop Your Memory From Declining At Age 30’s Onwards

Redhead woman at home, studying and contemplating her material with a pencil directed to her brain

Unfortunately, memory takes a sharp turn for the worst earlier than we think

Are you the person who is always forgetful or struggles to recall something from a moment ago?
We all experience these situations at one time, and age can contribute to all of this.
Does all this mean we might be more susceptible to Alzheimer’s or dementia further along the track?
Potentially it could be, but memory is now declining earlier than researchers have detected. In our early 30’s, these forgetful incidents are becoming more common.
Sometimes it’s a simple explanation, such as entering a room without knowing why.
Perhaps at that time, you were preoccupied with something else. But, unfortunately, that can happen to the best of us.
When we fail to pay attention intently, we don’t form a memory; sometimes, we forget.
On the other hand, if you completely forget why you went to a certain place or what mode of transport you used to get there, that’s on a completely different level.
These days, we’re all in a rush to be somewhere, do something, and it’s not uncommon in today’s fast-paced society to become forgetful.
Enhancing your natural abilities and using them regularly is one way to keep enhancing your memory and, in other words, waking up your brain rather than letting it lay dormant.
Here are some easy strategies to keep your mind sharp for 30 and beyond.

One: When you are tired, take a nap

It might seem like your brain is somewhat tired from studying, concentrating or preparing for an important presentation.
Focused concentration for some time is exhausting.
Allowing yourself a short sleep can help you recall that information easily while consolidating memories.
So target 20 minutes for that rejuvenating nap, and aim to have it in the afternoon when you naturally become slightly more lethargic.
If you are working from home, this is a bonus added incentive you can use. Sneak one in when necessary.

Two: Do you have a problem with your vision or hearing?

These issues can easily become significant contributors to developing Dementia or Alzheimers.
If you can’t see something enough, it cannot be recalled by your memory.
Hearing issues are among the 12 risks for the onset of dementia.
It doesn’t matter what age you might be; if hearing aids are necessary, it’s important to use them accordingly. That small tweak will help to protect the hearing you now have.

Two: Get involved in games

Games that stimulate the brain and encourage memory and recall can help give you the necessary exercise to keep those brain cells firing.
Playing games such as crossword puzzles, poker, or chess can help stimulate our working memory, and that’s associated with intelligence.
These simple ways help keep that part of your mind engaged and active.
You could even indulge in traditional memory games, such as recalling the names of past celebrities or complex information that you have previously studied.
Work on these kinds of exercises every day to help strengthen your memory to make new ones stick.

Three: Visualise what you read regularly

I love doing this; it helps me to visualise many complex subjects.
Seeing what’s written enhances your memory, and picturing that image in your mind will help you recall information much faster and easier.
Remembering names might be visualising something significant to recall that memory.
Use as many of your senses as possible to remember that name. For instance, what were the smells during that moment, and what other things did you see or hear?
All of these recollections play an important part in memory. So make it easy on your brain by triggering all your other senses.
Even though you may not be visual, use this brain exercise to help make that recollection easier the next time.

Four: Keep on reading as much as possible

Fiction is the best activity for maintaining information and moving it about in your mind so it doesn’t just stay in one spot.
That’s a bit hard to do with non-fiction reads because there is a temptation to skip around in finding the more interesting information.
With a fictional read, we have to remember the characters and draw pictures of the scenario and how the characters look. So that’s a little more challenging for our minds.
Plus, when we stop reading and return to our book, we must recall where we left off and begin again. All of these add to brain exercises.
Reading recipe books is another great way to use your working memory. Following instructions one step at a time and use our hands to mix, stir or blend ingredients. It’s a really good way to coordinate yourself well. This is also great for kids.

Key takeaways

You can easily trigger effective exercise for your brain in so many ways.
Doing a few simple daily tasks will help make it much easier to recall complex information without too much effort.
In saying that, just doing these fun exercises isn’t enough. We also must eat the right foods and exercise.
All these aspects play an important role in keeping our minds and body healthy now and as we age.
So start today, because as with exercise, if you don’t use it (your brain), you might lose it (memory).

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions about a medical condition or health objectives.

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