If you’ve ever wondered which is the best option, read on to find out
All around the world, prices have increased exponentially for most necessities. Unfortunately, that leaves a lot of families with limited budgets to make less-than-ideal food choices for their families. Financial strain will cause many low-income families and individuals to choose survival over health. It is worrisome knowing the amount of nutritionally void and cheap food on every street corner. But, it will not be a hard choice for those who don’t have enough disposable cash. Come to think, Mcdonald’s offers a cheeseburger for $2, whereas a bowl of plain salad costs roughly around $6. That’s the difference that makes the difference. Consuming the right amount of nutrients is vital for all children and adults, as that is the catalyst for health and longevity.
This is where the comparison of fresh and frozen comes into the mix
Frozen foods offer more of a longevity aspect without sacrificing nutritional value. Unfortunately, most people seem to misunderstand the difference between frozen and fresh, assuming that the defrosting process somehow eliminates much of the nutritional value. Truth be known, frozen vegetables and fruit are frozen at peak ripeness and within hours of picking. Some studies show that processed products have much more antioxidants and vitamin value than fresh produce. Fresh produce tends to be stored in a refrigerator for days or weeks before consumption, and some of the value that produces offers can be lost within that process. The nutrient value of frozen produce depends on the type of food. Research shows that frozen corn, berries and green beans have the highest levels of vitamin C than the fresh varieties. Peas had much more riboflavin than frozen ones, but frozen broccoli had more vitamin B than the fresh variety. If you are contemplating or perhaps are using frozen fruit and veggies as an option, keep in mind that nutritional value will tend to decline after the foods have been stored in the freezer for more than a year. You can use frozen foods in meals and cook with them if affordability is an issue. Using both alternatives when you experience budgetary restrictions is acceptable in this aspect.
Why you should sometimes consider frozen-over fresh
Although the frozen varieties might have a more robust flavour and texture, think about how much less product you will be wasting using this alternative. That also saves you money as fresh produce tends to deteriorate faster. You can get around this by regularly freezing your veggies and fruit later — just before they become spoilt. Frozen veggies (especially when they are already chopped and ready to eat) save a lot of time and effort during the preparation phase. I love to use frozen veggies and fruit in my smoothies, and I get a lot more vitamin and mineral absorption because my gut doesn’t have to break down the foods. Plus, It’s easier for the body to absorb the nutrients of a smoothie. It’s probably one of the most time-saving and delicious ways to have breakfast or snack on the go, filled with fibre and fewer calories. So, next time your budget is tight, think about using and storing frozen alternatives to save on food wastage, money, and time in the kitchen. You will be gaining a lot more nutritional value than the loss of the fresh variety + doing a little more for our planet. Do you prefer frozen over fresh veggies and fruit, and why?
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