Five essential nutritional steps to increase your weight-loss capacity

Calorie deficit strategies will depend on what your body composition goals. Do you want to put on muscle mass, are you preparing for a particular event or do you want to get leaner? These have to be taken into consideration first.

If you want to get leaner, a calorie deficit is needed 100% and should be part of your overall weight loss nutritional goals. With any diet plan that calls for changing your body shape, the diet will be 80% of your results. This also applied to building muscle. If we don’t have the adequate nutritional needs our body requires, we’re not going to get the results. Therefore, let’s assume you are trying to lose some body fat. Here are a few steps you should follow daily, to make the journey more successful.

Five essential nutritional steps to increase your weight-loss capacity (in and out of the gym)

  1. Eat more protein. This should be an essential part of your dieting strategy because protein helps to keep you full for more extended periods, it’s thermogenic that requires energy to digest, and it retains muscle mass as you diet. Some great sources of low calorie, but dense protein sources are eggs, fish, chicken breast and wild-caught meats. Try to include protein with every single meal you have. I like to take eggs with me daily, as it helps me to achieve my protein quota, and keeps that level of sustained energy throughout the day. The worst part of dieting is feeling hungry all the time – but consuming protein will help you overcome this.
  2. Don’t sacrifice calories too much daily.  On days you aren’t exercising, you will need to include nutrition for recovery and healing. This also depends on what kind of exercise you are performing. When weight training, your body will require a bit more fuel to repair micro muscle tears and make the muscle stronger so you can lift more next time around. It’s safe to say that on those days, you will probably not want to eat the volume of food that you do so when training. Allow your body to gauge what it needs and consume accordingly and within your nutritional quota.
  3. Carb cycle for optimal results. One thing I do when I’m not training is carb cycle regularly. That means, on days I’m not training, I will go lower carb, than on days I lift my weights. This helps me to burn more body fat and create a nice balance of that low to high carb ration during the week. Perhaps give this a try and see how it helps both your training and weight loss results.
  4. Include greener vegetables in your diet. I mention protein, but we do need to include a wide range of green vegetables for their nutrient value. We also have to keep in mind that when carb cycling, consuming more vegetables to keep us full for more extended periods, is essential. Pick veggies such as spinach, kale, lettuce, cabbage and broccoli and add them to your protein source. Make sure to add some fats, like avocado and olive oil. Fats help with the absorption of nutrients, and they make the meal that little bit tastier!
  5. Try intermittent fasting on rest days. For added fat loss, why not schedule some IF days when you are resting. This leads to a lot fewer calories consumed and gets your body in a more insulin sensitive state – meaning it will burn fat as a fuel source. This is what we want our bodies to do daily, but we inhibit it by eating too frequently and not allowing the body to get to that fat-burning mode. Start with a smaller window of fasting, and then gradually add more and more time. It is challenging in the beginning, but after a while, it will become second nature to you. I highly recommend this method for faster fat loss and longevity.

Hopefully, these few tips and tricks will allow you to balance the calories you eat, as well as giving you some flexibility with your eating plan, so you don’t feel hungry, and can stick to your project a lot longer. When we use a flexible technique, we are more likely to stick with it for a lot longer – making it a lifestyle habit.

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