6 Reasons why sprinting is a fantastic choice for health, fitness & fat loss

I want to commend how great sprints are for both fat loss, muscle building and improving your fitness levels. You get so many positive health benefits than the effort required to do these. You may like to hear that only 20 minutes per session is needed to gain these benefits. Less is more when it comes to sprinting.

Sprinting is mentally challenging due to the stress it causes, but it’s well worth the effort if you want something that fasts and practical (but you can’t have easy!)

What you can gain from sprints is better heart and lung health, improved circulation, better cognition, improved metabolism and develop a slim physique. Everyone who can most definitely implement some sprint training if they want to lose body fat or increase their fitness. Below are some key reasons why everyone should try to incorporate sprint training in their training regime.

6 Reasons why sprinting is a fantastic choice for health, fitness & fat loss

  1. Sprint training works fast for fat loss. A 2010 study found that just six sprint sessions of six 30 second all-out cycle sprints with 4 minutes rest over two weeks, lead to a leaner waist by 3cm and much greater use of fat for fuel. For some men, the decrease in body weight may not become evident over a short period because sprints will trigger muscle building as they start burning fat. Shrinking of the waistline happens a lot more dramatically when they keep training for a few months. This is possibly the best result you can get with fat loss, in the shortest amount of time.
  2. You can build muscle as well. With sprinting, you will increase your power, strength and size all at once. Studies show that sprint enhances protein synthesis’s pathways by as much as 230 per cent! What a fantastic feature this is true! This will only happen, of course, with the proper nutrition and recovery.
  3. Increase in your endurance and capacity. Sprints require the entire body to burn fat for fuel, whilst to preserve muscle glycogen and prolonging work capacity. You will also increase your power and speed by targeting those fast-twitch muscle fibres. This leads to even faster running or cycling speeds.
  4. Improves insulin sensitivity. Alternate bursts of exercise followed by rest periods, improve your insulin sensitivity and blood sugar tolerance. The reason is that sprints decrease chronic inflammation and partly because cells must adapt, produce energy efficiently.
  5. Lung function improvement and conditioning. Sprint training far surpasses aerobic exercise when it comes to lung function. This makes it so much easier to run upstairs (or run to catch your means for public transport)
  6. Saves you hours and builds your capacity for mental toughness. Because sprinting is completed in such a short amount of time, you can’t keep up with that level of intensity for longer than 20 minutes. Sprints are also challenging, and they hurt (especially the next couple of days!) There will be moments when sprinting, that doubt in your ability to finish the time creeps in. This is all a mind game (much the same as weight training), and you must keep going and never give in! It’s a great way to build self-belief.

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