What was your six-month plan of action for losing weight?

This is such a great question. Reason being is that you are actually giving yourself enough time to formulate and execute an effective strategy, whilst not putting yourself or your body under huge amounts of stress. One thing that needs to be addressed when it comes to weight loss, is that it does take some time, and lots of effort. There will be days when it’s hard, and others when it seems like a breeze.

That said, I have heaps of strategies for constructing a 6 month weight loss plan, and I would love to share them with you and anyone else who wants to achieve the same goal. I will go through everything step by step, because it’s important to set goals, then put in the numbers, only then can we move ahead to plans and strategies.

Get a pen and paper ready, you need to set some goals by understanding what we really want.

  1. What is your goal? Ask yourself
    – How much weight do I want to lose/body fat?
    – How long do I have to do this – 6 months
    – How much time do I have daily to exercise?
    – When can I dedicate the time to meal prep?
    – How will I monitor my progress? Body scan, Dexta regularly etc
  2. What do you want to achieve specifically?
    – What are my problem areas, and what do I want to change the most?
  3. Create a vision board (this is extremely powerful and I highly recommend you spend the time on in)
    – Search online (Pinterest) for some inspo shots, make a board up with your most admired bodies, inspirational quotes, healthy food, exercises etc. Fill it up with goodies to inspire, motivate and keep you hooked at getting results.
  4. Then, when this is all set, you can chip away at your weight
    loss goal by:

    – Devising a food plan and sticking to it (structure your portion sizes properly. Download printable here if you need some help)
    – Compiling your grocery shopping list
    – Deciding on what recipes you will create, and pre-prepare everything in advanced, so you have your food ready
    – Batch cooking, freezing or regularly updating your foods when you run out
  5. Then exercise:
    – What will my program be?
    – Will I seek a personal trainer and do particular classes in order to achieve my goals?
    – Do I need an online coach or program to help me when it’s a most convenient time for me?
  6. Execution. When you first begin your scheduled tasks, you will develop a nice routine to get it all completed on time, and achieve sizeable results. As you go along, you will need to adjust accordingly, depending on what your body is and isn’t responding to. This takes some time and patience. Here are some little tips below that will help you with food choices. I won’t go into exercises as of yet. Please feel free to ask that question at a later time. I do not want to overwhelm you.

6 of the best thermic foods

1. Protein

Protein has a larger amount of thermic effects, compared to carbs and protein. Experiments show time and time again that high protein diets lead to lower weight gain, higher fat oxidation compared to lower protein diets. It also produces the feeling of satiety, which again, reduces hunger and desire to eat more.

2. Fiber.

Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose by slowing down how quickly food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine. It also signals the brain of satiety, therefore, reducing your consumption of foods, and reducing any dramatic releases of insulin. It.s also hard for the body to break down fiber, thereby burning calories in the process.

3. Cruciferous veggies.

These range from spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, asparagus. These are the types of vegetables you should be eating daily. They contain a tone of fibre, therefore, require more energy to digest and also having the added bonus of again, increasing satiety and decreasing cravings.

4. Eggs.

Eggs are a powerhouse bundle of vitamins, minerals, good fats and of course, protein! They are so portable, nutritious and filling. As mentioned above, protein is thermogenic and even a single egg will produce a long lasting feeling of satiety. It’s shown to boost metabolism by 80–100 calories per day! Just to let you know, one egg contains 75 calories, 7 grams of protein and 5 grams of good fats. Eat them regularly.

5. Fatty fish

Fish is a great source of protein, is lean, light as well as packed full of omega 3 fats. Omega 3 is linked to lowering inflammation markers, heart disease and can contribute to overall weight loss. The best types of seafood to consume are; Salmon, sardines, rainbow trout and tuna (in moderation of course, due to it’s mercury content)

6. Turmeric

This miracle spice should be used as frequently as possible. It fights inflammation, as well as preventing fat accumulation in the tissues and organs, such as the stomach and liver. Use it to make a turmeric latte, in your seafood, poultry, and even veggies.

7. MCT Oil

I use my MCT oil daily, when I break my fast. This oil contains medium chain triglyceride, a form of saturated fat that has a number of benefits, like enhanced cognitive function, assistance of weight management, and the ability to assist your body into ketosis (when on a proper keto diet of course).

8. Coffee

I love my coffee! Caffeine boosts performance, mood and give you a surprising energy uplift. The amazing taste of it isn’t a bad thing either! Caffeine has the ability to boost metabolism and burn body fat.

These are easy additions to your diet, and can help to add that little bit of extra boost when it comes to weight loss and management. When you couple this with a great training plan, weight loss and muscle gain will be at your fingertips.

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