Developing milk allergies as you age

This can be extremely frustrating. My answer stems from a person who has suffered from lactose intolerance from age 25 but has a long history of allergies and food intolerances. It can come on suddenly, and without explanation.

Lactose is broken down by our bodies using an enzyme called ‘lactase’ This is necessary to break down and digest dairy. Let me point out that being lactose intolerant is very common, and it’s estimated that 65% of the world’s population has a lot of trouble digesting lactose. Most people ignore it, and just suffer the symptoms. I was one of these people but DO NOT recommend doing this, as you will cause long term damage to your intestinal health.

When we age, certain changes in our digestion function do take place, and some people experience this more than others. Just remember that food intolerances are only a symptom of digestive issues. The problem lies in that our digestion slows down as we age and stops producing the necessary enzymes, we need to break down foods. When this happens, we have more bacteria fermenting in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to digestive distress (which in your case, is loose stools)

You may notice that over time, the body does not cope well with certain foods, even fructose or perhaps gluten. Lactose and gluten intolerance are one of the most prevalent kinds of digestive problems people experience – both young and old.

Here are some ways in which you can control the lactose intolerance, so as to not cause too much distress when it comes to food choices

5 ways to cope with lactose intolerance.

  1. Use an over the counter supplement called “Lactase”
    Depending on where you live, you should be able to purchase an over the counter supplement that’s taken just before you consume anything dairy related. It will stop bloating and diarrhoea. This may or may not work, but you can try it out. For me personally, this has no effect at all (which is quite disappointing)
  2. Choose lactose free dairy products.
    There is usually a large selection of lactose free dairy products within your local supermarket. Most of the coffee shops I purchase from, have lactose free milk that can be used in coffee. There should also be an array of cheeses and dips. If this still upsets your stomach, then it’s time to move towards the next point below…
  3. Eat full fat Greek yoghurt.
    Because yoghurt contains live cultures (and is great for our guts) most people can get away with eating it -without the after math of flatulence, bloating and diarrhoea. Give it a try, but I do believe coconut yoghurt is just as delicious, and just as good for your too.
  4. Opt for nut milks, or coconut.
    Nut and coconut milks are delicious, and can be used in any beverages or foods, I use coconut milk to replace dairy, coconut cream, coconut yoghurt. or any kind of nut alternatives that have been replaced with plant-based milks. Since you’ve been having dairy for a while, the taste will take a bit of time to adjust to. Swap a couple of these alternatives in your meals, to become accustomed to the taste, flavour and texture. You will grow to love them in time.
  5. If it’s a big concern, see your gastroenterologist.
    It may be a case of getting your gut checked out, to see if there are any underlying issues. The procedure doesn’t take long, but it will ease your mind, and your specialist will be able to give you some advice regarding lifestyle and dietary changes.

I do hope this has helped you somewhat. If you need more information, you can contact me any time on my website or join me on fb and insta social. Please feel free to upvote this answer if it has been useful in some way to you.

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