8 healthy well-being tips to feel and look your best.

It’s vitally important to feel good on the inside on a daily basis. This is done through conscious work, and it’s got to be implemented without a second thought. Missing a day doing something that creates peace, harmony, and synergy in your body and life, risks you spending your life energy at a very low frequency. I personally try to diminish this, despite all the obstacles that can happen on a daily basis. It’s natural for challenges and setbacks to occur all the time. They can have a lower effect on us if we can just continue to do what’s right for our bodies, and keep ourselves in peak health condition.

8 healthy well-being tips to feel and look your best.

  1. Get out in nature on a daily basis. This is one of the most important mood lifters you will ever encounter. Elevating our mood by getting out into nature, breathing fresh air, and centring our well being, is a wonderful experience. Even a few minutes of sitting in a park proves many health and wellbeing benefits. I urge you to do this on a regular basis
  2. Lift heavy weights. Lifting weights gives you such a profoundly strong mindset and self-belief within yourself. It’s such a great feeling as you lift heavier and get stronger, then come the changes in your body shape to match it all up. I love and believe weight training is as important as eating well. Together, they compound on a mind, body, and soul level. I do understand that for many people, running provides this feeling. I must say, that it’s important to keep on doing what you love, what makes you feel good and helps you cope with the day to day disappointments. Centring our mind is an ever-changing and constantly evolving aspect for every human being. Take on what’s best for you.
  3. Walk daily. This goes hand in hand with nature. The best and most low impact exercise you can do daily and with ease, is walking. The benefits are not only for health but again, on a mind, body, and soul level. I see a lot of people walking with friends or loved ones. What a great way to catch up, laugh, and get some exercise? It most certainly becomes something to look forward to and enjoy. I also recommend walking more than you use a car or public transport. Use that time to zone out, to listen to music or an audiobook. Have this as keepsake time for you, your thoughts, and even meditation.
  4. Eat wholesome, nourishing foods. It’s so important to feed yourself wholesome, fresh, and nourishing foods. Abandon processed and sugar-filled snacks. Perhaps they have an initial feel-good factor, but long term, it will not help you experience good health and well being. Suffering from energy slumps constantly can be a drag. It’s always ok to have a treat rarely, but on a daily basis is when we become conditioned to resorting to a food source for energy. When we eat protein, good fats, and complex carbohydrates, we regulate our hormones, appetite, and allow for sustained energy during the day ahead. Performing at your optimal best is something we should aim for – especially when wanting to attain the best possible health and live an exceptional life.
  5. Engage in positive relationships with others. Leading a wonderful life that’s joyful, means being around people that love, support, and care about you. I’m sure we’ve all had the displeasure of mixing amongst those who are cold, mean, and nonsupportive. It can be really damaging to our self-esteem. We wall want to be loved and accepted by our tribe, and when this is a constant battle, it will lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Do yourself a favour and say goodbye to those who don’t make you feel good. Perhaps it will take time to do so if you work with them. But remember, quality of life and health makes a difference, and all these little things add up to cause us great harm. Being around lovely people will help you soar in life.
  6. Do something nice for someone else. Everyone gets a buzz from doing something meaningful, kind, and loving to another person. Imagine how that person will feel when they receive kindness and compassion? It will help them elevate their own self-esteem. I don’t believe we do enough to make others feel good about themselves – especially when they have done something amazing. Take the time to be kind, and with each kind act, you will magnify it into something that grows and grows for many months and years to come. That one act of kindness can set you towards greater heights.
  7. Laugh with more people. Get out with friends and family members, even strangers, and indulge in a good laugh. Laughter puts us in a positive state and helps us to relax, become more joyful, and enjoy life a little bit more. If you can’t be around people all the time, what about listening to some online comedy shows, or following someone that makes you laugh?
  8. Sleep and stay hydrated. Sleep is paramount if you want health and happiness. Lack of sleep elevates cortisol, making you more susceptible to health issues, as well as overeating. Your quality of life can be greatly affected by lack of sleep. Mothers with newborns will know this all too well! Yes, you can survive a night or two without sleep, but months or years is damaging to your health – not to mention your training efforts. In terms of hydration, water is key to our survival, and or organic and bodily systems functioning optimally. Water should be your highest priority on a daily basis – as I guarantee people are just not getting enough of the stuff. Keep it safe by drinking a glass of water every hour – even more so in the summer months or when exercising. I like to drink one litre before and during training. Keep hydration high for optimal energy levels.

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