Easy Weight Loss in 60 days by Following These Three Tips

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Eat what you want while shedding body fat by doing these three things

Who doesn’t want a fat loss program that allows them to eat what they want and still shed body fat? I must warn you that this isn’t a ticket toward eating piles of junk food. Instead, it’s changing your previous concepts and behaviours on how people lose weight. It might surprise you just how easy it is. I have come across no better lifestyle plan than that of intermittent fasting. I combined fasting with a specific line of nutrition hacks, which I’d like to share with you. Throughout my lifetime, dieting has been my biggest failure. Success would appear and last about three months — until my body began to plateau. All that hard work I spent trying to lose weight, eat well, and exercise seemed to waste time. Eventually, my body became the boss, and I felt powerless and a complete failure. But when I began fasting every single day, things changed. It seemed to have triggered fat burning and better health by coxing it into full gear. My body is now on autopilot after a couple of years of fasting daily. Sure, some days I don’t fast — or maybe I have a wedding or christening to attend. Fasting is perfectly flexible, and veering off course for one day (or a couple) doesn’t have a negative effect. Unlike my previous lifestyle, in which I eliminated carbs for too long. One day of eating a small amount proved to be a HUGE bloating hurdle. It took me weeks to recover. A carb-free diet (or a restricted diet, for that matter) isn’t worth your time and effort — because you do have an alternative around this. And that’s what Intermittent fasting is all about. 

Lifestyle plan in a nutshell

When you decide to begin your journey with intermittent fasting, I recommend you focus mainly on the following foods:- 

One: Low-fat protein sources

Such as; chicken breast, white fish, eggs and turkey. Think lean cuts of meats. If you are a vegetarian, you will have to opt for eggs and protein powder low in carbs. I do not recommend eating beans regularly unless you have a robust digestive system. However, there is a sure way to prepare and cook them for easier digestion and nutrients. Just use beans as you would red meats — in moderation. You can eat them more regularly when you hit the weight loss target (and you don’t need to fart every 4 minutes!). 

Two: Cruciferous veggies

These veggies should be part of every meal you have and large amounts. Give yourself 2–3 cups of beautiful veggies. Think about eating more broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, spinach, cauliflower and cabbage. There are many more options — search online for your particular seasonal variety and include them in your meals every day. 

Three: Choose high-grade fat sources

These are avocado, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, and fatty fish such as salmon and trout. Use these in conjunction with your overall food choices, and eat fatty fish every couple of days. Dress your salad with olive oil, cook your food with coconut oil and use avocado in your salads. Fats are thermogenic and encourage more body fat stores to burn as energy. Eat nuts in moderation as a snack in between meals. These will be your main focus during your intermittent fasting plan. Here are some fasting alternatives to think about and schedule within your lifestyle. 

Intermittent fasting options

This method is popular because it’s simple, effective, and improves overall health. You will still get huge benefits when opting to fast every other day. It’s essential to get enough protein during your feeding period, preserve muscle, and give you enough sustained energy throughout the day. It does get easier as you progress over a few weeks. 

Here are some options to try out

  • 12-hour fasting window
  • 16-hour fasting window
  • 18-hour fasting window
  • 20-hour fasting window
  • 24-hour fasting window
  • 36-hour fasting window

I suggest you opt to fast every day, utilising the timing above to swap and change. You don’t want to keep using the same timeframe every day, as your body might start to plateau and stop progressing. The longer you fast, the less time you have to eat; therefore, that is an excellent alternative if you have a lot of weight to lose. But don’t do this too often. Instead, always follow along fast with an extended period to eat a little more food. Replenish your body and keep treating it well along your weight loss journey. You should start seeing results within a week or two. Then, you will start seeing rapid results within a few months. The more body fat you have to lose, the faster your results. If you are already lean, this probably won’t have much effect. But several health benefits go hand in hand with this strategy. Good luck with the fasting lifestyle, and please connect with me via the links below. I’d be very interested in hearing how you found this method. 

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