Why You Still Need Salt In Your Life & What Happens When You Don’t Have Enough

For years we’ve been mistakenly limiting our salt intake based on general health advice, but is it the right thing for us?

We were taught that carbs were the enemy for fat loss, now everyone is still driving home the dangers of salt.  Did you realise that not having enough salt in your diet can cut your life short & increase the chance of disease?

 A recent study showed that when your daily sodium intake falls below 3,200 mg per day, you risk decreasing your life expectancy. (This level only applies if you are a healthy individual. It’s too high if you suffer from hypertension or kidney disease).

 Unfortunately, we may have all been unknowingly lowering our salt intake due to generalised studies and putting our lives at risk. Sodium is essential in our diet.

 It’s necessary for insulin sensitivity and prevents diabetes.

 However, restricting sodium too much lowers water levels in the body, which the brain then senses and immediately compensates by increasing different chemicals.

Unfortunately, these chemicals inhibit the action of insulin, reducing our sensitivity.

 This eventually leads to a lot more fat storage in our bodies and long-term changes to our metabolism. Now, of course, your sodium levels will need to be altered somewhat if you have any underlying health conditions — although that’s not to say you should not be adding some form of salt into your diet.

 But, those of us who have normal blood pressure levels do not need to restrict sodium intake drastically.

How to get the right amount of salt daily?

This will depend on your diet and activity levels, and it’s essential to keep tabs on these, as they will indicate whether you will need to increase or decrease your salt levels.

One: Sweating and activity

You don’t necessarily have to sweat a lot to need higher levels of sodium.

 Muscle contraction and blood flow rely on proper sodium levels.

 If you tend to sweat a lot (I know I do), you need to increase your intake.

 Some people lose a lot more than others.

 For example, it’s been known for tennis players to average a higher amount of lost sodium in their sweat.

 Therefore, if you are exercising at higher temperature levels, you will need to be more mindful of your hydration and have electrolyte alternatives for replenishment. There are plenty of sugar-free varieties on the market.

Two: The foods you eat

Processed foods contain a whole lot of salt you don’t need. So it’s best to limit these foods from your diet and focus on whole foods instead.

Three: Other factors

If you suffer from severe acne, then lowering your sodium intake will help reduce the intensity of your outbreaks.

Likewise, if you have kidney disease, then lowering your sodium intake is essential.

Four: Stress levels

Higher levels of stress deplete sodium levels and increase your need for nutrients.

 Chronic stress can lower your levels of magnesium as well.

 If you can find unprocessed sea salt to use on your foods, then do so. Unprocessed sea salt contains magnesium, calcium and potassium.

 As you can tell, it pays to watch your sodium levels.

 Don’t make a mistake by thinking you need to eliminate salt from your diet as a healthy and active person.

 If you have health concerns, do see your doctor (or perhaps a specialist) develop a proper plan of action.

 For example, for years, I was eliminating salt, which caused dehydration.

 If you intermittently fast, you need to hydrate your body — Like keto, fasting lowers insulin and causes considerable sodium loss. That sodium needs to be replaced.

 If you want to monitor this, get regular blood tests to see if your salt levels are adequate. Also, keep that sugar free hydration handy.

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