Five ways to cure stress naturally daily

Stress is such a damaging aspect of daily life. We can’t help it as much now after going through months of isolation and changes to our lifestyle with the coronavirus outbreak. I know some people are making it worse than others. The good news is, moving past it and conditioning our bodies and minds is very simple. It’s a matter of finding out what technique resonates best with you, and something that can be done regularly. I would also recommend it become something that’s second nature to your personality.

The key is to do it several times a day so that you can feel good, stay calm, collected and on top of that chatter going on in your mind.

You will have good days and bad ones, so please do expect this. It’s only natural to cave into the chatter our minds produce. When you become aware of it, and then allow it to happen, it will somehow diminish in loudness. This is something that takes lots of patience, practice and hard work. It’s well worth it, though. Here are some strategies I use every day, and I do hope you can try some of these out to find if they will work well for you too.

Five ways to cure stress naturally daily.

  1. Walk-in nature. If you are an outdoor type of person, and love parks, green grass, sunshine and fresh air – you will significantly benefit from taking regular walks in nature. This could be a park that is close by, or perhaps a courtyard. It can be anywhere you find some peace and solitude inside. The magical healing properties of nature and the outdoors should never be dismissed. Take regular walks daily will help ground your thoughts and calm your inner state.
  2. Talk to a friend. Social distancing may be needed, but you can always get on skype, pick up the phone or even ask them to accompany you on one of your daily walks. This is a great way to alleviate what’s on your mind and get a different perspective from outsider. I love talking to friends and asking for their opinions on other matters. I love that they pull me out of the situation, and see it for what it is.
  3. Be around animals. I’m not sure if you have a dog, cat or any other animal. Still, research has proven time and time again that patting an animal regularly decreases your stress levels and increases feelings of wellbeing, calm and peace. Does your neighbour have an animal that you can walk for them? Perhaps an older person around you does. Why not offer to take them for a walk, so you can get that fresh air you need, and spend some time in the presence of a beautiful little being.
  4. Start a group chat with your family and friends. I’ve done this with my family. We are all in different parts of the world, or in the suburbs. It’s so nice to be able to pick up the phone and wish your family a good morning, share some moments and have a laugh. Although we cannot all be together, and spend that quality time with one another, we still make an effort to say ‘hi’ and ‘are you ok.’ I think this is critical guys. Get everyone on board, and be there for one another. The pandemic has been challenging. It’s essential to keep in touch with our loved ones as much as possible. You won’t feel so alone or inundated with your thoughts, or worried about them. It’s also a great stress relief because you can all have a laugh together and be silly.
  5. Watch comedy. I know this is obvious, but watching things likes Seinfeld or anything else that makes you laugh, is going to change your state and thoughts. The time you are engrossed in the silliness and the utter nonsense of the show, you will have forgotten about your stressful mood or the thing that is plaguing you. Sometimes, when we cut that space or energy with something positive, we are able to see it for what it is truly, and perhaps come up with some solution to it. All you need is to search for some clips online or get onto YouTube or social media. I love the different memes people put out when there is some madness in the world (like the obsession with buying toilet paper). This is enough to put me out of that stressful mood indefinitely!

I do hope some of these natural, and every day habits can help get you out of your stressful mood. Sometimes, they may not work, but if you just give something a try, it will be well worth the effort.

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