Five reasons why women need to lift weight – Heavy weight

A woman should lift and lift heavy at that!

My ultimate favourite question! Women should feel the need to most definitely lift a weight, and lift heavyweight at that! How can I even start to make this a small and easily digestible post, when I have so many things I could tell you, which will see you running to the gym tomorrow!

Let me tell you in a nutshell, lifting HEAVY has fantastic benefits that every female should know about. I’m going to cull it down to my top 5 so as not to ramble on.

Five reasons why women need to lift weight – Heavy weight

1. Tighter, firm and more toned body shape (which means, no flab and nicer curvature)

Most women that start on the weight training journey don’t have any experience at all. They start off familiarising themselves with the equipment and getting into a good routine, possibly with an experienced trainer. This would mainly be lighter weights and doing a lot more popular circuit type training.

After a while, these workouts become easy because your body has adapted to this kind of stimulus. It needs change. This is when the fun starts to happen – namely, the HEAVY lifting! This increases your strength trifold. As you get stronger, it will become so much easier to keep on transforming your body up a level each time.

The result of this kind of training is sleek muscles, smoother curves and of course, the thing we all want, less body fat! Don’t worry; you will not get bigger. This kind of body shape takes years to condition.

2. Healthier metabolism, brain and heart & balanced hormone levels.

Lifting heavy causes metabolic and functional changes within the muscles and the brain, safeguarding your whole body from disease, fat gain and injury.

When you lift heavy, you’re activating more regions of the muscle. That means that you will achieve more strength and performance gains long term. Slowly as you increase your strength, you will expand on your body conditioning.

The best kind of heavy lifting to perform are multi-joint exercises, such as deadlifting, pull-ups, squats, bench presses and lunges. This has more potential to build whole-body strength because you are using a massive amount of muscles to perform these movements.

3. Strengthening your bones, preparing you well as ageing progresses.

As we age, we need to increase our bone density and strength, preventing injury from falls or strains. Unfortunately, when we start to experience menopause, we rapidly lose bone density and strength. Bone loss begins in our 30’s. Therefore, lifting heavy is the only way you can reverse this.

You will also improve your coordination resulting in being able to catch yourself before you fall or trip, avoiding fractures.

4. It will become your mental therapy and boost confidence within yourself.

Lifting heavy is a mentally challenging game. You get a boost in confidence when making personal best lifts, and surpassing your limited beliefs regularly about how much weight you can lift.

Women need to activate that competitive drive within them and continuously challenge their beliefs about what they are capable of. We limit ourselves so much in daily life due to stereotypes. Lifting weights is the perfect way to build strength eternally and internally.

Once you begin to tap into this newfound sense of power and desire to conquer your fears, it will open up more avenues for change and empowerment in your life.

5. Lowers your stress levels

You must be aware of the power cortisol has when it comes to weight loss. To use it to our advantage, we must ensure its elevated in the morning and decreases at night when we are asleep. If you are stressed out about your body not being cooperative in the weight loss game, restrict calories too low or train twice a day for hours on end, cortisol will stay elevated all day, stopping fat loss in its tracks.

When you lift heavy weights, you relieve stress because of your shift in perception. When you lift the matter, and you do so consistently, the weight loss will be a byproduct of your hard work. That means the fat loss will happen without stress, worry and the deprivation.

Of course, a proper food plan is a key to achieving any fat loss results long term. It’s important to realise that food and heavy lifting go hand in hand when it comes to products.

No one will ever be able to out-train a bad diet!

Good luck, and let us know how you go.

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