Five Secret Metabolism Boosting Foods You Need Everyday

Chili peppers on a fry pan with oil to describe fat burning foods

Set your metabolism into fat-burning fire mode

The foods we eat affect us in many different ways.
Differences in mood, energy levels and health when eating a sugar-filled doughnut instead of a salmon steak with salad are undeniable.
A chemical reaction occurs when we eat anything. It occurs in our cells, which begin working hard to produce energy.
Our metabolism’s rate is determined by how many calories our body needs to perform those essential daily functions, such as pumping blood in our heart and breathing.
Then we must not forget the added energy we need for exercise and daily activity.
Our metabolism’s health is not only required to burn calories we don’t want to appear on our bodies; it’s also a key indicator of our well-being and longevity.
When you have a healthy metabolism, you break down and digest and absorb the food you eat without too much-added inflammation or experiencing health issues such as high blood pressure.
Our metabolism also protects us from other chronic diseases like type two diabetes, stroke and heart disease.
There are so many factors that determine the health of our metabolism.
This ranges from the food we eat, our lifestyle, genetics and our environment.
However, we can do something about most of these factors, which is excellent news.
What you eat is very important — the most critical factor that governs your metabolism.
Eating certain foods reduces inflammation because of their richness in nutrients. Take, for instance, omega three, which is found in fish sources.
Omega-three minimises oxidative stress and cell damage.
If you want to increase the efficiency of your metabolism, adding particular foods into your diet is one of the best ways to do so.
Focusing on these and plant-based sources will change your life for the better.
Here are some key options to add as many times as you can.

One: Fibre-rich foods

We are spoilt for choices when it comes to fibre-rich foods. Vegetables, beans, legumes and nuts are some of the best sources. The fibre in itself helps to boost the health of your metabolism.
High fibre foods take much longer to chew and break down, keeping you full for extended periods.
Take, for instance, nuts and broccoli, apples and pears. When we feel full and satisfied, naturally, we eat less and cause a lot less inflammation within the body.
Fibre takes a long time to digest, as it’s harder to break down.
It also helps manage our blood sugar levels and increases the healthy bacteria in our gut. So eat as many rich fibre foods as you can regularly.

Two: Vitamin C-rich foods

People tend to be scared of fruit because of fructose.
But what people have misunderstood is that added fibre fruit has compared to store-bought juice. This is because fruit also has antioxidants that help fight off free radicals.
If your diet is rich in antioxidants, you combat the oxidative stress that free radicals cause. High levels of oxidative stress shorten our life and bring on chronic disease.
If you are in good health, fruit should not cause any blood sugar disadvantages.
Focus on fruits such as oranges, kiwi, strawberries and berries.
Aim for all those beautiful fruits that boost your vitamin C levels, which help absorb iron from the foods you eat and build a healthy metabolism.

Three: Hydration

People dismiss staying hydrated — but it’s essential for kick-starting our metabolism.
Our bodies consist of 60 per cent water, which is essential for regulating our body temperature, carrying oxygen to the cells, removing waste and much more.
It’s also a great tactic when trying to eat less food — drinking a glass or two before a meal helps us eat less.
Over time, that can be highly beneficial in achieving our weight loss goals.
If you find it hard to drink water straight up, try adding herbs, lemon, ginger, or drinking hot water. It seems to kick-start your energy.

Four: Chili & pepper

I use cayenne pepper in everything I eat — including my morning smoothie bowls!
It’s an acquired taste, but it helps boost the metabolism bright and early every morning.
Chilli is used in many recipes, and you should try integrating it into all the foods you cook and prepare.
According to a 2009 study, capsaicin boosts heart function and overall inflammation benefits.
So eating chilli peppers at least four times per week helps protect your heart against health-related diseases.
Start slow and add more as you become accustomed to the added heat. Coach your children when they are young by adding small amounts to foods.
That’s setting your kids up for a healthy life!

Key take away

Foods have a profound effect on our health and longevity.
Once we start uncovering how every food source we eat affects our health, energy levels and mental capacity, we can start to make more informed and conscious choices on how much of these foods we should eat.
If something makes you feel less than ideal after consumption, think about the effect it’s also having on your cells, organs, and the future of your health.
How will it affect your heart, blood sugar and metabolism? These are the key questions I ask myself every time I’m faced with a choice of how I want to live my life.
My mother passed away from pancreatic cancer and, through wrong lifestyle choices, developed diabetes’.
If this is one way I can help others realise that, over time, these small choices matter, then I have done my duty here in writing this.
Think long and hard about your choices, and if you make the right ones 80 per cent of the time, you are making a big difference.

I’m on YouTube! Please help grow awareness of health, lifestyle and well-being holistically, and follow my YouTube channel here.

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