In the process of losing weight, if we want to eliminate one out of three meals we eat every day, which one should it be, and why?

Eliminating meals is a great way to shed body fat and increase your longevity. It’s been known for many years how effective intermittent fasting is, especially given the rate of disease and mortality in relation to diet and lack of exercise.

First thing to think about when eliminating meals

Depending on your lifestyle, the meals you do cut should correspond with your life goals, as well as how you conduct your day. There is no sense in being too hungry to concentrate fully (even though fasting allows you to have clarity of mind) or have the strength to perform particular tasks.

For example, for my lifestyle goals, I choose to make lunch my last meal, eliminating dinner and any snacks between lunch and the evening. My main meals of the day are breakfast and lunch, that’s it. The reason why I do this is because:-

  1. I have digestive issues, therefore I go to bed with an empty stomach and feel a lot more able to heal. My body is then allowed to regenerate via sleep phase, which increases longevity.
  2. I train in the mornings, therefore, prefer to eat after my session to replenish glycogen stores and increase my metabolism flexibility
  3. The fasting period allows me to increase my strength and my gains via my morning workout – despite being in a fasted state. I do take BCAA before training.

Do whatever is easier for you, and then it will become something you stick with long term. Some people do not like going hungry to bed. I am the complete opposite. I can’t sleep when I’ve eaten before bed, and sometimes it is hard to eat dinner early enough not to experience this.

It really makes no difference if you cut dinner or breakfast. There is no right or wrong answer here, or way to do this.


My one tip would be to fast intermittently every single day, alternating your feeding and fasting times so your body doesn’t become accustomed to it, and also allows you some form of flexibility in your life. There are days or evenings where you may want to enjoy a nice meal, or have brunch with friends. This is all completely realistic on an intermittent fast, and you will not experience any negative effects from it.

Choose these fasting periods: 16:8, 18:6, 20:4, 12:12, 15: 9, or why not try 24 or 36 hour fasts once in a while? These are best to do when you’re planning on chilling out for the day, or doing some light activity.

Fasting will increase your concentration and your conscious awareness. You will experience almost a spiritual level of clarity on a day to day basis. It’s hard to explain, but you will know what I’m talking about once you do this regularly, and experience these moments.

I do hope this has been helpful for you. Let me know if you have some more questions regarding fasting.

Facebook: Ange Dim
Instagram: Ange Dim (@angedim10) • Instagram photos and videos

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