Can you lose fat by lifting weights or is cardio better?

I’m glad that someone requested I answer this question, because it’s one of my ultimate favourite topic – weight loss and the journey towards attaining it the right way.

I believe for years we’ve been mislead into fitting weight loss into a box of this and that, when it’s really quite simple, and all we really need to do is understand the science behind our bodies, how to best utilise hormones with proper nutrition and exercise. Check out the following points and then decide for yourself.

5 ways to achieve your best body shape possible

  1. Weight training correctly in order to produce greater, long term fat loss results (as well as keeping it off for life).
    When you build muscle mass, you raise your resting metabolic rate significantly. Although this is something to strive for long term, when you are consistently training properly, it’s a gradual progression. One thing that must be kept in mind, is that sufficient training means using mult-joint lifts are to be the most paramount part of your training schedule. These are what will really make a HUGE difference to your physique and fat loss results. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, chin ups and benches. You should be training at leat one of these per session – saving the machines for the end of your workout. They will not make the biggest and best difference to your physique. It’s such a shame that most people training are afraid to even learn the basics, because these exercises can change their entire bodies.
  2. Sprints will tap into those stubborn fat reserves you have.
    Interval training should always be part of your weight loss routine, 2–3 times per week (not at the same time as your strength training days). Try 20 minutes of 20 seconds sprinting intervals, with 40 seconds active rest. Do this on and off, as fast as you can – or slowly working towards a faster intensity as the session progresses. Do not exceed the 20–30 minute mark, as this will become detrimental to the fat burning potential sprints can create.
  3. Superset your weights, whilst using shorter rest periods.
    This is intense, and should not be part of your strength training days. Supersets are also great if you are time poor, and want to get an intense workout in before or after work. Pair exercises with opposing muscles for the best results. For instance, biceps curls and follow onto triceps extensions and so forth. Rest for a minimum of 60 seconds, and then start it all over again. You can always add in an exercise to make this a tri set, and increase the intensity of your training. Swap and change regularly, but do not forget to train for strength as well.
  4. Always plan your meals properly.
    You can train all you want, but nothing is going to change significantly unless you monitor what you eat. Whilst I don’t recommend caloric restriction, you need to eat in accordance to your body shape and levels of activity. The more muscle you build, the more leverage you will have calorie wise. My best recommended eating plan is one of restricted eating – which is intermittent fasting. You don’t have to do this every day, but 3 days per week will give you great results. If you want even better ones, fast every day, or alternate between different times each day, so you can always create a surplus and downgrade of calories consumed.
    Pre-prepare all your meals and stick to your food plan. Allow yourself one meal per week that’s higher calories, or a treat perhaps. This is not going to harm your results, but eating like this every day will!
  5. Be consistent with your training and nutrition – daily!
    If you want the best results, you have to commit do it every day. That means, scheduling your training and sticking to it, planning all your meals on a Sunday, batch cooking and freezing, doing your recipe hunting on Thursday so you can shop on Saturday.
    Then when it comes to training, allocate 3–4 days per week for strength, 1–2 days for interval training and 2 days for rest. Being active whilst resting is essential. Brisk walking, cycling or moving around a lot is highly recommended. Pick and choose how many days you will allocate to strength, and how much to cardio. I would recommend that you prioritise weights above and beyond cardio training, and just stick with the brisk walking as much as possible.

Cardio alone is great for those new to exercise, and it can be very helpful for losing lots of body fat. The problem is that these results are not sustainable long term, and constantly keeping up the steady pace can take it’s toll on the body – not to mention your state of mind. Keep weights in the forefront of your mind, and your energy source when trying to lose weight, and your results will astound you! If you would like to keep in touch during your journey, please do contact me on these various platforms if you need further assistance. I have plenty of other blog posts on angedim or join me on fb and insta social standpoints. Please feel free to upvote this answer if it has been useful in some way to you.


  • Phyllis swords , 14/01/2020

    ange where would I get a workout plan for weights to work on my own Wes looking at getting a Pt. as sometimes it’s hard on your own any tips thankyou

    • admin , 15/01/2020

      Hey Phyllis, hope you and your family are well. I can get supply you with a 4 week workout plan, that includes some delicious recipes. This is all done online, and at your own pace, at a time that’s suitable for you and your lifestyle. If you wouldn’t mind emailing me through facebook, and I can give you some more information on how to get this plan. 😉 Many thanks – Ange

  • […] days when you do both cardio and weights, decide which to do first based on your goals. For fat loss, start with weights. For endurance, begin with […]

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