Six ways to bypass weight gain when eating out

Eating out often doesn’t have to be detrimental to your weight loss goals. Once you familiarise yourself with the strategies involved, it will become a lot easier for you and possibly quite enjoyable. For some, eating out is a way of life for various reasons, mainly because of business or work purposes. You can control your calorie intake as long as you know your weight loss goals and therefore committed to achieving them. Let me share some tips that I use when eating out, which may help you as well. 

Six ways to bypass weight gain when eating out

  1. Find out firsthand what’s on the menu. This is essential as you want to make sure there are several different nutritional needs options. It’s very beneficial if you’re eating in a place with lots of healthy salads, baked veggies and leaner sources of protein. Usually, many restaurants are happy to discard the sauces used in particular dishes – especially if you have a food allergy. Sometimes you may have to tell them this to get a specific food altered for your own needs. I always do this (but I have allergies, so it’s legit), but there is no harm in wanting a meal that’s dairy and animal protein-free. Just ask for a vegan dish, and always double-check the ingredients when it comes out to you. I’ve had an instance where a vegan meal turned out to contain real cheese (which is deadly for me), and if I didn’t pick that up, I would have needed a trip to the hospital! Be super careful and always ask if you don’t know.
  2. Bypass the starter bread and any sneaky fried chips as an add on. the breadbasket and any additional snacks before dinner can ruin your meal. Most people eat so much of them (and ask for seconds) that they’re no longer hungry for a good quality meal. The funny thing is, we don’t want to waste what we’ve ordered and will eat it anyway – despite feeling so full. If only they served bread as an add on to your actual meal, so perhaps by the time you eat something nourishing, there will not be an empty carb craving.
  3. Moderate drinking is a must – stick to the one glass of wine. A glass of wine with dinner is perfectly appropriate (if that’s your thing) but remember that one can turn into several. Enjoy the whole experience and take your time with food and alcohol. At times it can be challenging, but if it’s a work function, you may have an easier time exercising self-control. But o think about your goals and know what the limit should be for you.
  4. Ask for the salad dressings to be added separately. Salad dressing usually contains sugars and all sorts of garbage. I would recommend vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper as your best bet. Stay clear of mayonnaise and anything else that could contain lots of nasties. It can be a nuisance but become encouraged to order any salad that doesn’t allow your dressings added to the side. Remember, too, that simple is often best for dressing. Allow your main meal to be the star of the flavoursome show.
  5. If you want to eat an entree – choose something protein or veggie-based. It can be easy to go overboard with entrees, especially when you’re hungry. I tend to skip this part and go for the main course. Perhaps when in a group setting, order one thing to share as a bit of a teaser before the main event. Go for something containing protein, like lean meats or fresh fish. Say no to anything deep-fried or sauteed. One of my favourites is seared tuna steak. It usually comes with some beautiful herbs and a vinaigrette. Divine!
  6. Let go of the need to eat dessert (and don’t share). This used to be my most significant contributor to belly fat gain (and fat gain in general). I found it hard to resist dessert and even stuff that into my gut despite feeling like a stuffed potato! It’s not a great way to end a nice meal. I’ve learnt my lesson and now skip dessert about 90% of the time. I know this is hard for many of you, but remember my previous saying of allowing one cheat meal a week. That can be a sweet or savoury dish. You can eat it when you’re out for business or pleasure. Be sure to watch those extra calories you don’t need. If you feel like something after dinner, why not go for an espresso or perhaps something soothing, like herbal tea. I find myself doing this all the time, and it takes the focus away from me being the only one not eating dessert!

I do hope these tips help you out when resorting to restaurants. The whole experience can still be excellent, despite the rules above. Just enjoy the moment with a person or a group of friends. I would love you to upvote it if you did. Please also join me on my various social platforms and do go ahead and download your Empowering habit changer guide. I’m also on Instagram.

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