Dramatically Reduce Your chance of Developing type two diabetes by doing this one thing regularly

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Eliminate your chance of developing diabetes the right way

Diabetes is a huge concern today, and the number of people diagnosed with type two diabetes is increasing daily.
My mother developed diabetes due to an inadequate diet over the years; It worried me immensely seeing her eat the foods I knew didn’t serve her health or longevity.
After all, I wanted my mum to live as long as possible.
I think that was the one thing that shocked me the most — that she wasn’t immortal, and the vision I had of her being here forever was a coping mechanism to eliminate facing reality.
That’s why when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I knew her time was coming to an end, but I could not shake the inner turmoil I felt knowing that diet played a big part in this diagnosis.
As I write this, I’m scouring endless research papers to give me an answer and feed that answer to you, who may be reading this, anxious to know the key to better health.
I don’t always find the answer, but I believe those small things we can adapt to during our entire life will make a remarkable difference.

Here’s what you can do to combat type two diabetes

The following research is essential for anyone that may be on the verge of type two diabetes or wants to prevent any future diagnosis.
This study followed 32k men from 1990 to 2008.
The information collated during this time ranged from how many times they exercised, including weight training and aerobic exercise. In addition, these men filled out questionnaires every two years to mark progression against any impending disease.
Researchers adjusted the information according to the types of physical activity, television viewing, alcohol & coffee consumption, smoking, ethnicity and family history of diabetes.
During this study, 2,278 men were diagnosed with diabetes.
Findings showed that those who used weight training regularly might reduce their chances of developing two diabetes.
Weight training seemed to reduce their instances by either 12, 25 and 34 per cent, which was dependent on the amount of time they spent on weight training per week, as opposed to men who did not weight train.
Aerobic exercise was also associated with benefits, from 7, 31 and 52 per cent decrease in developing diabetes.
These results also depended on the time frame and how many days per week the man conducted a cardio workout.
Researchers found that combining weight training and cardio created the best benefits in eliminating the risks of developing type two diabetes.
Men who did more than 150 minutes of aerobic exercise and 150 minutes of weight training per week had an overall 56 per cent reduced risk of type two diabetes.
Further studies will be needed to analyse if these findings apply to women.

Key take away

It’s important to note that both forms of exercising are crucial to eliminating your chances of developing type two diabetes.
Although this study is based on men, women should adopt this training method to assist them with menopausal symptoms and eliminate their chances of developing diabetes too.
Weight training has marvellous benefits for beating diabetes above and beyond cardio alone.
This occurs due to muscle mass development, which improves insulin sensitivity.
Perhaps this is one of the critical factors which many people miss.
Building muscle has a vast range of health benefits, and if you want to prevent and combat diabetes, then definitely incorporate both cardio and weights for the best chances — whether you are a man or a woman.

I’m on Youtube! Please help grow awareness of health, lifestyle and well-being holistically, and follow my YouTube channel here.

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