Eating Too Much of This one Thing may Increase the Risk of Melanoma

Eating Too Much of This one Thing may Increase the Risk of Melanoma

It may be ideal to start looking at your diet if you are at risk of melanoma

Cancer is a huge scare factor in my life — and the life of many people. Both my parents died from different cancers, and they were a result of lifestyle factors. I’m on the journey to prove that lifestyle is the key to attaining better health, no matter how long you live. Putting the proper dietary and exercise strategies in place to lead an optimal life is essential. And that’s not the only thing you have to do. Rest, stress handling, and optimism go hand in hand to work alongside your habits. We are holistic being’s at the mercy of achieving a balance on all levels. Our bodies work hard to do so, but we don’t make it easier, that’s for sure! Although we can’t do everything to attain this, we can do as much as possible, and it’s always helpful to do your research so you know you’re on the right path. One startling relationship with melanoma is how closely it’s related to fish intake. To examine this further, researchers analysed data collected from 491 367 adults recruited throughout the USA between 1995 and 1996. Participants were 62 and reported how frequently they ate fried fish, non-fried fish and tuna during previous years — and the portion size. Then, researchers calculated the incidents of new melanomas that developed over 15 years using the data collated by the cancer registries. Many instances were accounted for, such as physical activity levels, smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine, calories, cancer family history and the UV radiation levels within the area. Five thousand forty-three participants developed malignant melanoma during the study period, and 3 284 developed stage 0 Melanoma. The data analysis found that a higher intake of non-fried fish and tuna was associated with increased risks of malignant melanoma and stage 0 melanoma. 

  • 14.2 g of tuna had a 20% higher risk of malignant melanoma
  • 17.8 g of non-fried fish per day had an 18% higher risk of malignant melanoma

These findings suggest that the contaminants in fish, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, arsenic and mercury, could contribute to the melanoma diagnosis. Previous research has indicated higher levels of those three contaminants in the body were found when eating fish. Fish consumption may be a relevant assumption for melanoma. Still, it’s essential to look at the other side of the results, which details that this study did not investigate the concentrations of these contaminants in participants’ bodies, so further research would need to confirm this fundamental cause of melanoma. Melanoma risk is also higher in those with particular hair colour, mole count, history of severe sunburn and other essential factors. Researchers of this study do pose not to change fish consumption in your diet since further research is required. But, in saying that, it’s important to understand just how many contaminants are in fish and that eating a lot of anything can accumulate toxins in your body. Therefore, it’s essential to have a balanced diet and include vegetables and animal protein to help clear toxins. Our bodies naturally eliminate toxins, but an over-accumulation can increase our chances of disease and cancer. Keep that in mind if you have a history of melanoma risk. If you want to read more articles like this or start writing your own, please sign up via my link. I’d love to see you on the other side. ???????? Sign up here for your medium subscription. Download your FREE Fat Loss Recipe book here 

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