Do most people not count calories and how do they keep their weight down if they don’t?

A calorie is a calorie no longer serves people, nor does it signify the truth about how our bodies respond to them. This approach does more harm than good. The habit of counting calories excessively must be dismissed now, once and for all.

The notion that all calories are created equal, is downright false. The 150 calories of a piece of salmon is processed very differently to a 150 calorie big mac, leading to different levels of net calories being absorbed for each food. Not to mention that each food has a vastly different effect on hormones that regulate our hunger and how much we will eat, such as leptin, glycogen, insulin and ghrelin.

Let’s really breakdown what is happening when we eat these two foods.

The salmon is very high in omega 3 fat. When you consume protein in general, the body uses up as much as two times more calories after you eat them, rather than when you consume something which is high in carbohydrates. It is true, fat has the highest number of calories of all foods. However, the omega 3 in the salmon, actually causes a protein reaction. This means excess calories are burned, by raising the body temperature. This is the magic of thermogenesis.

The burger from McDonalds on the other hand, being high in processed sugars and carbs, stimulate food intake by activating a centre in your bran which increases cravings. It also lowers your usage of energy, making you very lethargic. When you think about it, junk food means eating more and moving less (because you lack the energy). Let’s be honest here, have you ever felt energetic and ready to take on the world after eating junk foods?

The fat myth needs to go as well.

For too many years, people have focused on the negative so called effects of high fat foods. These foods genuinely protect you from obesity and other health related diseases. Let’s not forget how great is it for maintaining a healthy and active brain. It’s a shame this has been case, favouring the sugar and processed filled replacements, detrimental to the worlds health and instilling many negative nutritional habits long term. The scary thing is that even children react this way.

Why not instil the habit of eating whole-foods, vegetables, nutritious protein sources as well as preparing meals from scratch, naturally?

How to control your weight without obsessing about calories

Calorie intake does matter when it comes to fat loss. You still need to consistently create a calorie deficit in order to lose body fat. Calorie deficit results more from the consumption of protein and vegetables rather than attempts to control the actual intake. When you focus instead on consuming REAL foods, such as protein, vegetables, fruit, nuts, avocados, eggs, fish and poultry, you will have a lot more success with weight loss, omitting the obsessive need to count your calories and minimise your food intake.

6 far loss tactics to use, without having to count calories.

  1. Plan your meals correctly. Make sure they contain sources of protein and vegetables. Go for high quality foods which are nutrient dense.
  2. Avoid processed foods at all costs, and eat foods that will allow your body to experience the most thermal effect possible
  3. No beverages containing sugar. Stick with water, coffee and herbal teas
  4. Think, nutrient rich whole foods daily. Get away from the notion that your body responds to calories as you’ve been conditioned to.
  5. Use exercise as a means to become stronger, faster and healthier, not as a means to burn all the excessive calories you’ve eaten. Stick with weight training and intervals.
  6. Eat fats regularly, such as olive oil, avocados, coconut oils and fatty fish. In the long run, they promote weight management.

Remember, it’s the quality, not the quantity that matters with healthy and nutritious foods. Focus on health, rather than the scales.

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