How an Innovative Test Could Determine Your Bodies Real Age

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Find out the new and innovative way researchers can determine your body’s real age

Has anyone mentioned you look a lot younger or older than you actually are? Ageing is a lot more than skin deep. Our organs and systems have a different age, too — from a biological perspective. In a study published in the Journal Cell Reports, a team of investigators used biomarkers, statistical modelling and other techniques to develop tools that measure the biological ages of various organs and systems. From the results of the study, researchers claim that there are multiple clocks within the body that vary, based on factors such as genetics and the lifestyle of each individual. This study uses various approaches that could help improve the understanding of ageing and how these results could be used in healthcare practices. Biomarkers would be used and identified through blood and stool samples- including routine checkups. Technology is slowly closing the gap between research and implementation within a practitioner’s setting! For this research task, investigators recruited 4,066 volunteers who lived in the Shenzhen area to supply blood and stool samples and skin images. Each person had to undergo a physical fitness examination. These volunteers were between the ages of 20 and 45 years. 52% were female, and 48% were male. Most age-related studies have been conducted on older populations in cohorts with a higher incidence of chronic disease. The ageing process in young and healthy adults is largely unknown, and from as young as 20, age-related differences may be detected. When the researchers compiled all the data and decided it was simpler to clarify them as either ageing faster or slower than their chronological age. You would think that health and physical fitness positively impacted a person’s chronological age, but the investigators were surprised by the findings. As an example, having a more diverse gut microbiome indicated a younger gut while at the same time harming the ageing of kidneys. The diversity of species may cause the kidneys to do more work! It’s is something we should all keep in mind. Another discovery found that excess weight may have different causes among individuals. For instance, some will experience a faster ageing rate in physical fitness, whilst others may have an ageing liver. This level of detail in individuals could help identify critical targets for improving one’s health and slowing down ageing. Key takeawaysAlthough this paper doesn’t go into a lot of detail, the marvelous outcome is that in the future, simple routine tests conducted by our JP can help us overcome illnesses before they become chronic health issues. When we compare the findings of the gut microbiome and its effects on the kidneys — we can uncover the root cause of symptoms related to kidney function & health. For the moment, we don’t have that level of detail to compare and contrast. I can’t wait to see further studies delving deeper into ageing organs. Say tuned for more! In the meantime,  here is an in-depth research paper. 

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