Does ageing inhibit my ability to do hard workouts?

My question back at you would be “What do you determine to be a hard workout?” This will vary from person to person. A hard workout is not necessarily a good one. The best form of a workout is one that produces results over time, that leads you to perform better, become stronger and hopefully increase your muscle mass.

We want to forget about exercises that can cause injury, or any kind of misalignment and inflammation within the body – this should be a goal for all ages.

A lot of people mistakenly think that as you age, activity level should become more cautious, or perhaps diminishing somewhat. What is quite alarming is that lowering your activity levels below your standard speeds up the ageing process, as well as compromising your muscle mass. As the saying goes “use it or lose it.” and this is definitely the case when it comes to fitness and strength.

Although it is never too late to begin exercising again, you are much better off staying at your allocated pace, and implementing changes as you age, depending on your goals. Perhaps it’s not realistic to lift extremely heavy every day, as you move towards 60–70’s, but that does not mean you should lower your weights for every session. Your best bet is to train based on your stamina levels. Heavy poundages are needed a few times a week, as well as hypertrophy sessions. Those that can maintain their strength and muscle mass as they age, know the perfect balance of these two forms, and execute them accordingly during their training week.

If you do not have injuries, or health problems, you should still be able to perform the same, if not similar exercises, based on the level you are at, within any given time. It’s obvious that Arnold Schwarzenegger (now 71) does not lift 6 times per week, twice a day anymore, as when he was preparing for Mr Olympia. He now exercises in a ways to adapt to his body. He cannot perform heavy squats and leg workouts, as he used to (due to his shot knees). At this level in his personal life, he prefers to save his knees for skiing trips.

Arnold claims to have had shoulder, hip, heart and knee surgery. He now implements the help of certain machines to be able to work specific muscle groups, in similar ways to what he used to when using dumbbells or barbells. This provides the same kind of stimulus, that’s pain free and get’s results. (1)

Most of us do not have to worry too much about this, as we most likely did not even attempt to life the poundages Arnold did as a Mr Olympia competitor. But using other machines to perform the free standing barbell and dumbbell exercises you once used to do, is quite a sound, safe and perfect alternative.

What will determine how hard you go, is all part and parcel of the amount of experience you have, and the years you’ve dedicated to it properly, or improperly. If you are injury free, you will most likely be able to continue well into old age, and just alternating slightly if you do develop an injury.

Old age should not be a big determiner about how much exercise we can do, or the extent of how far we can do with endurance or athletic performances. You can choose which direction works best for your lifestyle, body and need. There is no right or wrong. So go out there and prove all the nay sayers wrong!

I do hope this helps you, and good luck on your journey.

Please don’t use age as a limiting factor when it comes to exercise, or creating happiness in your life. Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance. I have plenty of other blog posts on my wesbsite or join me on fb and insta social standpoints. Please feel free to upvote this answer if it has been useful in some way to you.

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