Six reasons why women are tired all the time & what to do about it?

Have you been caught up in a web of exhaustion and lethargy?
It’s not easy getting out of bed most days.
Silently muttering to yourself about how tired you are several times a day has become a habit.
Doctors may tell you to get more sleep, relax a bit more – or take a holiday. But perhaps you’ve done all three to no avail. The fatigue still creeps up on you.
Two out of five Americans report feeling wiped out most of the week. When you consider it, most of us are juggling work, school. Family and friends. What about housework and attending to elderly parents regularly. It’s straightforward to believe that the culprit is, in fact, our never-ending list of tasks to do.
Excess exhaustion can signify something more serious – possibly a medical condition or the onset of one brewing. It’s easy for women to dismiss their tiredness by putting family first.
Fatigue can leave you feeling drained of anything left to give to your family and also yourself. That’s why it’s essential to become aware of the signs and bring them to the attention of your family doctor.
Here are some instances that may be causing your fatigue

Possibility One: Anemia

Anemia is probably the most common cause of exhaustion for many women.
Anemia is usually caused by blood loss through menstruation & pregnancy.
For most people, a simple change in their diet with some added supplements can work very well. But for some, it’s a continuous challenge in their life.
Conditions such as celiac disease, colitis, and Crohn’s make it harder for your intestines to absorb iron. In addition, anemia can cause hair loss and lack of oxygen transported to your organs.
These can cause long term damage to your health.
I have found that since my gastrointestinal condition has magnified, I require iron infusions every six months. It becomes quite expensive and time-consuming, but it’s essential when food and supplements do not provide the necessary relief. Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing a similar issue.

Possibility Two: Too much Coffee

Caffeine is an essential part of most of our lives.
Small amounts during the day can help us awaken and increase alertness (especially in the mornings!) But too much caffeine can cause high blood pressure, anxiety, anemia – and worst of all – that dreaded fatigue when the caffeine starts to wear off. So I don’t know about you – but usually, I go for another cup!
You know your Coffee isn’t working when energy levels plummet.
Too much caffeine can also cause dehydration – which will decrease your energy and concentration levels.
Going cold turkey with Coffee can be tricky. Those headaches can become somewhat of a nightmare to handle.
Start by weaning yourself down a notch with other drinks – like tea, herbal and maybe even warm water with chopped up lemon.

Possibility Three: Food allergies

Do you ever get a wave of exhaustion as soon as you eat a particular food? That could well and truly be your culprit of fatigue.
Certain people may be a lot more sensitive to certain foods like dairy or gluten. I know that as soon as I smell these, the exhaustion comes about faster than I can count to three!
It can be hard to know what the food is.
I regularly write down what I eat daily and monitor any symptoms after an hour or so.
I’m a lot more tired after I eat white bread or have something refined. It could be several additives in the foods – and it takes a little bit of research to get down to its nitty-gritty. On the other hand, you could be eating something regularly, which has become one of the causes of your fatigue.
Write your food intake for a month, and you will be able to pinpoint the exact foods.

Possibility Four: Lack of proper nutrients

Do you find yourself snacking on little bits of sugary foods, or perhaps you don’t even eat enough food every single day?
Both of these factors can affect the quality of your sleep.
For example, not eating enough food can trigger lethargy and inhibit deep and restorative sleep.
Eating a whole diet filled with fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains will help balance blood sugar and create the perfect nutritionally viable environment for your body to thrive.
Protein throughout the day also helps to keep your flow of energy steady.
All it takes is to add an egg, some chicken or even tofu to your meals.
That can help spring you back into energy and eliminate those dull moments at the end of the day.

Possibility Five: Lack of water

Do you think you drink the necessary amount of water every single day?
Most people overestimate just how much they drink.
The problem is that most people wait until they are thirsty to drink.
It’s wiser to space our water consumption through the day, so there is no chance of becoming dehydrated at all. But, of course, that can be challenging when you are busy or don’t have access to the bathroom!
You should aim for eight glasses – but I always encourage others to drink about 3 litres of water a day. Some people need more. If you exercise and sweat a lot, you may need more. A great way to test if you are dehydrated is to look at the colour of your urine (I know, know, it seems a bit yuck). It should be clear or pale yellow if you are hydrated. If it’s dark, then that’s a sign for you to drink more water.
Try water infused with cut fruit, lemon, lime and even herbs like rosemary or mint. You can add cucumber for a refreshing spritz. These are all perfect alternatives when you become sick of the taste of water.
Any one of these factors can contribute to how tired you are – and may cause other health issues long term. So if you do find that nothing is working for you, it’s best to visit your doctor for a second opinion.

Possibility Six: Mental fatigue

Mental fatigue surfaces with stress heightened exertion levels from work, family, study and life events. It can negatively impact your life, health and even your ability to train.
Mental stress isn’t something you would typically consider – perhaps it can be a combination of things happening in your life.
You have multiple deadlines, your kids are sick, and you get a massive bill in the mail that wasn’t budgeted for. These can trigger mental fatigue day in day out, leaving us exhausted and run down. Everything is just that little bit harder when mental fatigue sets in. Those small things that were once easy suddenly become harder.
Options such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing can help eliminate the onset of stress. Also, keep up with healthy nutrition and exercise. Perhaps you won’t make workouts your best performance, and maybe a more subtle and low impact option may be the right one for you now.

Overcoming stress and supporting fatigue with vitamin C

Vitamin C effectively treats tiredness because it decreases oxidative stress, which is thought to underlie fatigue. Those who have high levels of oxidative stress report being chronically tired at a much higher rate than those who do not.
Oxidative stress causes cellular damage, our immune system is compromised, and you feel even more tired. This can lead to poor sleep patterns and insomnia.
Vitamin C also lowers cortisol in stressful situations and even after exercise. It is said that 10 grams of vitamin C are sufficient. The best way to administer this is intravenous. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the luxury of doing this, and a much easier alternative is to increase your doses slowly – not to cause diarrhoea.
I have used this method for years, primarily to lower my cortisol levels after exercise and when experiencing stressful events in my life. I highly recommend you try this.
Take a good look at those things that are happening around you. What kind of stress is that bringing into your life? Can you do something about it, and if so – what? The first step is recognising the triggers and using manifestation to see the benefit from the experience.

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