Why your weight loss is slow and how to overcome this frustrating phase

Inevitable common mistakes can stop indefinitely slow your weight loss progression.

Frustration is possibly an understatement for slow as a snails pace weight loss for all the effort you put in. I know all too well how annoying and painful this phase can become. I would envy any woman who seemed to lose weight within the first week of her journey. How did she do it, what is she eating, and why is it so easy? It definitely can screw with your mind. The journey towards your weight loss goal is arduous and needs a lot of stickability. Usually, it takes me about three months to lose any weight or body fat. Soon after, muscle mass will deteriorate — and over the years, I’ve learnt how to stop that from happening. Progression towards weight loss is slow, and it may take many months or even years for some. However, it most certainly helps if you are aware of things that can put up a barrier during your weight-loss pathway. Here are a few points to think about along the way. 

One: Eliminate the triggers in your cupboard for now

When you begin to change your nutritional habits, it’s essential to avoid trigger foods which cause major bingeing or break your goals. It’s tough for some people to have particular food they love in the cupboard while simultaneously trying to avoid it. Why torment yourself within the initial stages? If this is your personality, I recommend getting rid of anything that you might sneak in as comfort food until you become more in control. Then, slowly, you can begin to trust yourself enough to have these things or eat them sparingly (and not the whole biscuit tin). As you start to build your good habits, eat healthily and sustain them for a specific timeframe, you will naturally become more inclined to pick the best options because they make you feel good — and look great, for that matter! However, it’s unrealistic to avoid the foods you love, and to be honest, not worth it in the long run. I still enjoy the things I love and do so sparingly. Having them in my home and available when I want them does not cause me to overeat. When you lead a healthy lifestyle, it’s easier to allow yourself the flexibility to eat the things you love without sacrificing your goals. I know this isn’t easy, but start where you are now and keep moving forward. If you have a bad day, take it just that and start fresh tomorrow. 

Two: Eat more of the right things, rather than eating less of everything

This is a significant sore point for a lot of people. Unfortunately, weight loss is not linear, and eating less overall will not produce the best results. Think about this on both a mental and physical level. Being hungry and lacking the energy and focus to run your life as you wish will result in misery, and eventually, you will give up —  believing this lifestyle sucks. A lifestyle feeling day in day out is not a good option. It just isn’t worth it — no matter what your goal is. Rabbit style eating is best left to the animals themselves — not us humans. Soon enough, the body’s natural inclination will take over, and the weight gain and loss cycle will start again. Stop obsessing about numbers and start looking at the foods that bring you the best value to achieve your goals. The basics will always be lean protein, vegetables and good quality carbs. Yes, I said carbs because we do not need to avoid them. For now, we need to say goodbye to nutrient-void foods, such as all the junk you can find in a supermarket store. Instead, focus on quality foods, eliminate the “no fat” and “low calorie” concepts from the ‘80s. Instead, make your meals count by adding protein sources like eggs, white fish, chicken, legumes and healthy fats like avocado, nuts and olive oil. These foods help burn body fat and keep you full for extended periods. Don’t freak out about the caloric content of fat. Our bodies need fat to run the basic processes, and it’s also thermogenic! Do some research on the best kind of “bang for your bucks” foods that tick the right boxes.  Vegetables, for one, are of higher importance in my diet than protein. Veggies are what most of us lack in our daily diet and bring us the most benefits — not to mention helping us eliminate toxins and provide the fibre we need daily. 

Three: Your diet is bland & you need to add a bit of variety

Now, I’m not one to miss this one, as I love eating the same foods — but a lot of us could do with a bit of a variety to shake up the fat burning again. As lovely as it is, having a meal prepping and eating routine, weight loss can stall when eating the same foods every day. For instance, eating chicken as your protein source can get boring. So why not change it up by having fish or maybe some plant protein instead? One thing I do regularly is eat seasonally. That means I get the most nutritional value from my veggie and fruit consumption. I also love to add spices to my foods to increase my metabolism. In winter, things can get a lot colder. Therefore, I blend my veggies into a regular soup. Blending helps to break up the usual meal exhaustion and adds a bit of interest. Think of what you love eating and start altering the way you create meal varieties. It won’t take up too much time, and it’s well worth being a bit creative to add some variety — without the need to go overboard. If you like burgers, make your own. If you want some fries, why not bake or air fry your own. The choices are only limited to your imagination. 

Four: Sitting on your backside all day at work (or home)

It doesn’t matter that you spent one hour in the gym that day. Constantly sitting down on your seat every day stops lipase, a fat inhibiting enzyme that helps you lose weight. If you stand up and stretch once per hour, you will boost your metabolism by about 13%. Just imagine then if you get up regularly to walk during your hour? It could be as simple as going to the kitchen, the bathroom, or even walking during lunch. These small things add up to significant weight loss — long term. However, I don’t think we pay enough attention to the more minor details that make the most crucial difference. Walking is one of them, and I have used the same technique for years. It never seems to fail me. There you have it. I guarantee one of these will hit the spot on your watchful list of weight loss stalls. Sometimes, looking at the finer details and making tiny changes will make the difference. If you would like to read more articles like this or start writing your own, please sign up via my link. I’d love to see you on the other side. Sign up here for your medium subscription

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