One Common, Toxic Sweetener You Should Think About Cutting Out of Your Life

One Common, Toxic Sweetener You Should Think About Cutting Out of Your Life

This one has to go — especially if you are a dog owner!

Sometimes I want to throw my hands up in the air in disgust. I subjected myself to toxicity for so many years — with complete ignorance, mind you! If I was so clueless, imagine the general public’s level of awareness. Putting your head in the sand isn’t going to help you out.

One sweetener to be aware of

We must build our self-awareness on as many products as possible — primarily if we use them regularly and encourage our family to do the same. If you are aware — you hold the power switch. A particular sweetener, Xylitol, is frequently used in many beverages and drinks worldwide.

Come to think, Mcdonald’s has often added it to their soft serve ice cream because it’s low in calories.

That says it all — as if Maccas don’t add enough toxic ingredients into their products, they now add the low-caloric variety. Now, what’s the go with this Xylitol sweetener? It was so familiar and recommended to people with diabetes at one stage!

If you have pets, please read.

Oh my goodness! As if people with diabetes don’t have enough problems to deal with! If you love your dog, don’t give it Xylitol, as it’s said to be deadly for dogs. One particular Facebook post went viral, mentioning that Xylitol is in Mcdonald’s ice cream, and warned other pet owners against feeding this ice cream to their dogs.

I would link you in the Facebook post, but it has been deleted!

Check out this thorough list of where you might find Xylitol, and eliminate it from anything your dog eats.

Whether you believe this or not, Mcdonald’s has confirmed they do not add Xylitol to their ice cream, and those rumours are false. Perhaps it’s best NOT to feed your pets ice cream unless it’s specifically made for dogs (just in case something happens to them).

So, why is Xylitol so harmful to you? According to WebMD, it’s not dangerous in small amounts, but it has a few nasty side effects that might have you running to the bathroom, as it can cause diarrhea and gas. WebMD also mentioned its toxicity for dogs, so keep that in mind — not even a lick.

Key take away

I have been guilty of using Xylitol for about eight years ago. I made many handmade vegans and paleo treats sold in cafes, marketplaces & stores. Fortunately, one of my supplies recommended I remove it from all my desserts because it posed a health risk to the general public.

They did not want to allow their customers to eat anything toxic.

At first, I was surprised but then decided that they were right. I did not know what this sweetener contained, and for all we know as customers. It could cause so many side effects over time.

Xylitol is an ingredient found in many things you might have daily, like mints, honey, yogurt, jams, and anything supposed to be ‘sugar-free.’ 

It’s best to read the labels of anything you buy

Lastly, please be aware of the dangers it causes to dogs. Please DO NOT allow any fur kids to eat anything with Xylitol inside it.

It’s, therefore, best not to buy a product that contains Xylitol because a slight slip of your attention could cause significant health issues to a bit of being you adore.

Keep safe. Please sign up via my link if you want to read more articles like this or start writing your own. I’d love to see you on the other side.

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