Losing weight isn’t as hard as it sounds – but only if you are committed to the game and keep at it, despite the fact that results are not easy to come by.
I do laugh when I read posts from others in the midst of giving up, only a few weeks into their dietary and exercise plan. I was like this too. I wanted to give up several times. In fact, I once gave myself the excuse that I was not in that sort of league anymore and it would take far too much effort and deprivation to get the results I wanted.
It’s amazing how the pathway to your success completely changes your outlook down the track. The only way to get these learnings it to take the path that has several side steps, worries, frustrations and endless detours.
This is weight loss guys.
Anyone can lose weight – you just have to try and keep trying until you find a way.
Because I’ve done this most of my life, as have many others before and after me, I’m going to give you a 3 step plan to weight loss. It’s very simple, and easy for anyone to apply. I don’t like 5 or 7 steps. It gets too complicated and people give up easily. Start off small, and then move onto the big guys.
3 simple steps to weight loss
- Your diet is everything – change it. That means whole foods, fresh vegetables, protein sources and healthy fats. Yes, you can and should indeed have fats in your diet. This includes avocado, nuts, olive oil and fatty fish. Dismiss sugars, refined flours, pastries, soft drinks and junk in general. These little so-called snacks could be stopping you from achieving the weight loss you want.
- Weight train – not for muscle mass but for strength and endurance. We all need muscle on our bodies. We don’t have to look like a bodybuilder but muscle helps us elevate our metabolism, which helps to burn calories. When we burn calories, they are not stored on our body as much. We stay lean and healthy. Weight training strengthens our bones and helps us to age gracefully. after the age of 30, our muscle mass naturally declines, therefore, it’s even more important to train with weights to keep yourself fit and healthy well into old age.
- Intermittent fasting. For me (and I’m sure many others will agree) this has been the best, easiest and more effective way to lose weight and also maintain it. In my experience, maintaining the lost weight is the most important thing. The reason why fasting is so great is that you can still eat some of the things you like, and can fast for whatever time frameworks for you. There is no need to eat certain foods, have shakes or supplements. It’s just simple, cheap and easy for anyone to do. Please go ahead and read up on this, you will not regret it.
This is it, that’s all I have to say about weight loss. These 3 steps make it simple, fast and so easy to lose and maintain weight, that I don’t even have to think about it. I can fit it into my schedule, I can pivot when I have an event on or when life gives me lemons. Try it out for yourself and see how good it will be for you too!
Think of the results you can achieve with guidance each and every step of the way..
Well, now you can!
With mentoring and guidance, you can achieve your fat loss and muscle building goals in less time and frustration. Imagine, having someone to consult regularly and keep you motivated, as well as on the right path to a new, lean you! Become part of the waiting list by filling out your name and email address to become notified of this membership program. The great thing about this membership is it’s only open for a very short period, and for a small number of people. I want to give the best and most abundant attention to those who want to make changes in their lives. You will also be the first guests to receive the membership for a very small investment – a cost that no one will ever have access to again! You definitely want to be part of this super special deal.
Fill in your details below, to make sure you don’t miss out on this offer for coaching, becoming part of a wonderful and supportive community, as well as getting all of this for a very minimal investment. I can’t wait to see you all on the other side.