3 Simple Rules Leading to Weight Loss Success – for Beginners

Woman with pot on her head

Clarity & Simplicity is key to starting and staying the course

Not many of us are born with perfect genetics. I wish I were one of those females who naturally controlled how my body looked. It doesn’t work out that way for many people, and I gather you’re reading this because you’ve had enough. Searching on google gives me endless questions about weight loss — especially for women. See, guys, we have many hormonal fluctuations that don’t help us stay consistent. As a previous sufferer of Endometriosis, my hormones thoroughly threw everything out the window every month. I felt like I was on an endless wheel of unpredictability. I want to try and make it predictable & straightforward for you. I’ve pulled together some specific things you can start doing today to help you make those first positive and straightforward steps towards changing your body shape. If you stick with this, it will start manifesting within weeks. If you are keen and add some exercise (start with walking unless you are an expert at weight training), you will increase your results. 

One: Don’t ever forget that your weight loss efforts are always the result of your food

So many people I know have taken endless shakes as meal replacements. I hate seeing those empty packets at work and want to shake the woman who decided to bypass the hard work of nutrition education. Guys, I’ve never taken a meal replacement — you don’t need to do that to lose weight. The only thing you need is to expand your knowledge of food and make the best possible choices of what to eat that increase your chances of weight loss. Another factor we have to consider is your health and longevity too. Weight loss should be your goal, but the aim here is always to keep your health a top priority. Without a proper system in place that’s holistic — you won’t be able to sustain your results. 

Two: Nutrition basics — what to eat all the time

I’m keeping this very simple for you because that’s how it should be. Cost-effective, simple and something the whole family can eat. You don’t want to single yourself out just because you’re eating healthy. The entire family should reap the benefits too. So keep these simple foods in your fridge all the time, and eat them during each meal:

  • Green veggies in abundance
  • All sorts of veggies that are in season only (Buy frozen if you are keen on a particular kind)
  • Organic eggs (not just the white — the whole egg)
  • Chicken (stay away from the fat as it contains hormone-altering chemicals)
  • Turkey (again, skip the skin)
  • Any kinds of fish, including fatty salmon, tuna (in moderation) and any white types
  • Cottage cheese (if you are not lactose intolerant)
  • Lentils or other plant-based protein sources (not fake meats — just beans etc.)
  • Organic tofu — NEVER genetically modified in any way
  • Berries of any kind, only organic or non-organic, contain chemicals
  • Oats that are unrefined and unprocessed

Occasionally, to add variety, by having a steak, some sausages or whatever else you love. I ate the above (my bodybuilding days) for years, which kept me in my comp weight. I don’t need to become leaner, so I keep eating my usual vegan diet, with the odd eggs here and there. Eating should be flexible and run with your current goals. This list probably looks very familiar to you, and there is a reason behind it. That’s because it works. It works for me and millions and billions of other people. If you eat more of a vegan diet as I do, then veggies will be your ultimate nutritional source. I can’t yell loudly enough how wonderful vegetables are, and we MUST eat them in abundance. Some people might have a bit of a rough gut when eating them, but that’s rare. We need variety in our diet to increase the good bacteria in the gut. This helps us lose weight, keep it off and have optimal health. 

Three: Spend less time sitting on your ass

Some people cannot perform HIIT because it’s too impactful on their joints or doesn’t work well with their current health. That’s fine; you don’t need to sprint until you can’t breathe. It’s not necessary. Good old fashioned exercise will see you towards a leaner body. Start walking short distances and then play a little game with yourself. See how much more you can extend that time over a month. Little steps and small wins will help motivate you to try different things. Soon enough, walking might seem boring on its now; then, you might like to venture into the gym. Perhaps get a personal trainer to show you how to lift weights properly. That’s what I did. I had no idea when I started, but I had a couple of excellent trainers who helped me. I used their knowledge, watched carefully and then kept applying it myself. I don’t have a trainer now, but seeing as I just had an operation, perhaps in the middle of the year, I might think about it. But you can train yourself if you’ve invested in a trainer and have some knowledge. But to be honest with you, trainers give you a massive kick in the bum and help motivate you to move the needle. On an unconscious level, we all look for an easy way out, do simple exercises, and stop challenging ourselves because it’s painful. There are no excuses when a trainer comes in — they might yell at you to keep going. Gently, of course! But it’s addictive because results happen when you push past that place known as your comfort zone. 

Key takeaways

There is no need to resort to expensive supplements, meal plans, and other garbage sold to unsuspecting people. Stop looking towards chemicals to change your body & become familiar with the bare basics for weight loss success. Proper nutrition, exercise, and a trainer are your fast track to success. Just make sure they are a proper trainer. Check out their clients and also how they train too. I swear by lifting weights. You can check out some material below, which will give you more information. But the reality is, you have to take action on this. You have to decide to stop what you are doing now (because it’s not working or too hard) and get back to the basics. Simple, cost-effective and manageable basics that you can do, day in and day out, will stick, and you’re going to love it so much that going backwards isn’t enticing. Where are you currently up to when it comes to your exercise and weight loss goals? 

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