2021 – A year in the making of something both devastating and magical

If 2021 has been a tough year, I hear you

To say it’s been a tough year is an understatement. I can confuse people in saying that it’s been a tough year, but a very successful one, for that matter. How can you possibly manifest two occurrences in one sitting? The truth is, I learned to change the way I see things a lot during 2021. That’s a lie. It was a FORCED change regarding how I looked at a devastating situation by hunting far and wide for the seed of an equivalent benefit. I did this because Napoleon Hill told me to, and also because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to take care of the most beautiful person in my life, who needed my help the most. I just couldn’t let her down — she was my wonderful mum. Developing a solid backbone with the will to win over defeat was the right direction for me. Suppose a situation comes into our lives and throws it off course; it takes some strength and resilience to keep searching for the answers even if you don’t know where to begin. So imagine this, you had a devastating situation with a successful one — different parts of your life with opposite results. If I can sum up how I felt from March up until now, it would look like this:  

To put this picture into words, here is what went on:

  • I went above and beyond in everything I did every single day.
  • Staring death in its face and accepting my mum would eventually pass away from cancer.
  • Putting a smile on my face for all meetings — whilst the camera was off, crying my eyes out from sheer exhaustion and heartbreak.
  • Praying incessantly to God because I didn’t want my mum to die and was blessed by chance encounters with people that helped lift my spirits to keep going.
  • I learned the art of appreciating the present moment, no matter how bleak the future looked.
  • Daily self talks to strengthen me up. I felt like I was boxing against death within the rings of life.
  • I realise that all I have now is this very moment — which is a blessing, despite what’s going on.
  • Fearing the phases of death, but when I saw my mum take her last breath, the encounter was the most beautiful and peaceful moment in my life.

When you sum up the emotional, mental and spiritual awakenings of 2021, it’s easy to understand how worn out it can make your soul. But as they say, God only gives us what he believes we can handle. Well, I protested at first, but now after the experience, I speak with certainty that perhaps I was ready before knowing it. Throughout this time, the one thing that saved me was writing. I seemed to get my juice back when I wrote. And write I did, every single second I could. Letting out all of my sadness, frustration, anger and hurt because I didn’t know any other way to set it free. So, as this year comes to an end, I am liable to say it’s been the most challenging and most rewarding year of my life. Nothing is ever easy, and sometimes we get the bastard end of the stick. It was my turn, and I did the best I could. I’m glad I did, though — as it’s helped shape the person I am today. Plus, I would not have dared to write on this platform, express the person I am inside, and serve others in the process. It feels that as my service to mum came to an end, the next phase of my life started to take form. And as a bonus, I somehow managed to get promoted and win some employee awards. I thanked you for reading and wanted to give you this takeaway. If you have had a challenging year, it’s ok. Take the seed of your equivalent benefit and let it shine through. You may not know what it is right now, but allow yourself to open up to the possibility of it seeking you when you’re ready. Let the unknown and any sadness help build your faith — the faith that you can and will get through it and come out stronger. Much love to you all, and thank you for your support. If you would like to read more articles like this or start writing your own, please sign up via my link. I’d love to see you on the other side. 

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