The top 5 metabolism-boosting foods you should eat every day.

Using certain foods as an aid for weight loss is a fantastic strategy. That’s what a lot of athletes and bodybuilders do in preparation for an event. We can easily manipulate their great tips and use them for our everyday purposes. There are a lot more than five foods that help elevate your metabolism. Let’s go over some foods that have helped me lose weight without a lot of effort (apart from chewing the food!)

The top 5 metabolism-boosting foods you should eat every day.

  1. Good old eggs. This humble little wonder is a powerhouse for fat loss and nutrition. You have everything you could need in this one little shell. Studies show that an egg-based breakfast reduces hunger, promoting fullness for many hours in obese and overweight individuals. Eggs are a great source of protein that increases your metabolic rate by 20–35% for hours after eating. One of the reasons why eggs are so filling could be the boost in caloric burning during protein digestion. If you want to be full and burn fat, eggs should become a large part of your nutrition strategy.
  2. Chilli peppers. Chilli is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and protects your cells from damage. The antioxidant inside peppers called capsaicin may help achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Chilli is so hot that it promotes fullness and prevents you from overeating. Think of the shock you get after eating food with many chillies. It can become quite uncomfortable for a while. That has the power to stop you from eating a lot. If you don’t have chilli peppers, cayenne pepper is a great alternative. I use that in all my food and my oats in the morning. It’s a great overall metabolism booster and appetite suppressant.
  3. Olive oil is the healthiest fat, and you should eat it regularly. Olive oil can lower triglycerides while increasing the release of hormones that keep you feeling full. It’s also a delicious way to spruce up your salads, veggies, and dips.
  4. Apple cider vinegar is an old remedy from before we were alive today. The saying goes that apple cider reduces appetite and, blood sugar, and insulin levels in people with diabetes. The particular acid that’s the main component of apple cider vinegar has been found to increase fat burning and reduce fat storage. Add apple cider to your salad or drink it diluted in water (one tablespoon is sufficient).
  5. Coconut oil. This excellent oil helps increase your good HDL cholesterol while decreasing triglycerides and helping you lose weight. The fats in coconut oil are mostly MCTs, which contain appetite-suppressing and fat-burning potential. Coconut oil is excellent to cook because it remains stable at high temperatures – other fats can’t withstand high temperatures and become rancid. You could easily have one tablespoon of coconut oil as is. It’s a delicious oil that can be eaten with a spoon.
Other foods (or beverages) you should include are; Green tea, coffee and fatty fish. The list above are the keepers in my book, and I could easily replace apple cider with coffee. It’s all about your personal preferences too.

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