Fasting when you are working a 9–5 job is as easy as fasting when you are not working. If your job is demanding, you should be able to think of some creative ways in which to use the time to your advantage. I know a lot of people are on the road, or perhaps are very active during the allocated hours. Don’t fret, you can find ways, and I’ll discuss some options that could help you.
Five sure-fire ways to get on with IF while working a 9–5 job.
- Schedule the fasting during your busiest times. To save yourself the hassle of having to stress about meal timing, allocate your most hectic and productive period with restricting your food. When you do get a quiet moment, then schedule your feeding time at that pace. You want to be able to enjoy your meal and allow your body to respond as best as it possibly can to the nutrients. There is no point in inhaling your lunch or breakfast.If mornings are your busiest time, then skip breakfast, and save yourself for lunch and dinner. Perhaps having your last meal will be more beneficial at night
If on the other hand, you are quiet in the morning, allocate that time for your food consumption, followed by lunch, then skip dinner.
The choices are endless really, and the great thing about IF is that you can slot it into any schedule.What I do is schedule my feeding times after I train. I always exercise very early in the morning and make sure I have a meal straight after my training. Then my last meal is usually lunch, apart from one day a week when I have dinner. I do this because I’m going to do some severe training the next day, and have made sure I fuel up as best as possible.
Time your meals and fasting according to your goals and lifestyle. Always make it as easy as you possibly can. - Prepare all your meals, so you have food on hand when you finish fasting. A good idea is always to prepare as much as you can, to make life a little easier, and keep you on track. Pre-make or buy your meals, and have them ready in a cooler bag, or your fridge at work. Fasting calls for some severe discipline, and it will make it a whole lot easier if you do have meals on hand during feeding times.Make sure these meals are wholesome, filled with adequate protein and vegetables. Limit your carb intake if you are not training, or want to lose that extra body fat. You will have hugely successful results if you restrict carbs when fasting. Just don’t go low carb every day. Use the carb cycling method for this.
One great way to do this is bulk cook when you have a day off, and pack them into containers in the freezer. All you need to do is defrost and reheat. It’s the perfect way to eat when you lead a busy lifestyle.
Keep snacks on hand in your desk draws, and in handbags. Nuts and even eggs are high, nutritious and portable snacks, providing you with protein, fats and sustained energy. - Make sure you alternate fasting and feeding hours to keep your body guessing.
Don’t just stick with one particular timeframe for fasting, change it up every day, make it exciting and hard for your body to suspect what strategy you have. This is the best way to kick start the fat burning over and over again.More extended fasting has even more benefits. If you opt for 20 or more hours, you will be triggering even more health, longevity and fat-burning potential. If you find these challenging, why not try them on the weekends, or when you have not scheduled exercise? This is when I choose to do 20 hours or more. After a while, it won’t bother you a lot and will become quite an easy target to hit. Give it a try, and see what body composition potential will result by this alone. - Allow yourself a day or two of fasting if you have significant events
Sometimes it’s just not convenient to fast, and it’s probably not going to look good if you are the only one eating. It’s perfectly ok to skip fasting for a day or two if that’s what you need and want. Use your discretion, and make this lifestyle as easy and less complicated as you possibly can. A couple of days off is not going to inflict much damage at all, and it will give your body a necessary break it needs.
When at these events, do keep on monitoring your food intake, and make sure you are still opting for healthy choices, and the least alcohol as possible. Don’t touch sugary filled drinks at all. - Know that you will get better at this
When you first embark on the IF journey, it can become challenging and quite draining. The first few weeks for me were rough but not as bad as I had imagined. After a couple of months, it became an unconscious habit that is no longer uncomfortable but welcoming and needed. It will become this way for you too, if you stick to the schedule of IF, and allow it to become part of your life, long term.There are just too many positive benefits with IF that will gladly keep you on track with a committed IF advocate. The only rule is you don’t consume any calories for a specified period. It doesn’t get any easier than this rule! It’s so easy and flexible. If you want to eat some pizza when it’s your feeding window, you don’t feel the need to become guilt-ridden as you would on a calorie-restricted diet. Fasting does allow more consumption of those naughty foods, without too much damage. The trick is only to allow yourself to a treat meal a couple of times a week, no more than this. Save those meals when you are with extraordinary people or events. It will be appreciated a lot more.
I do hope this has helped you. Even though it can be quite challenging with work, I highly recommend you stick to it and see the benefits it can bring to your physique and life.
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