The most important things you can do to stay healthy

Don’t over-complicate the most simple things in life

The most crucial strategy I use to keep myself healthy is eating well. Not enough people see nutrition as their way out of health problems & to increase their capacity for living a more abundant and enjoyable life. There is so much focus on exercise, taking endless pills, supplements and potions. But our crucial factor here is every food choice we make in our daily lives. So many of us visit doctors about our joint inflammation, diabetes, or heart disease. The trouble is that we continue to eat the same way, even if it’s causing us harm. We would instead resort to pills & make the pharmaceutical industry richer than ever. As Ralph Waldo Emerson states — The first wealth is health. What is meant by healthy eating and eating well for life? It doesn’t mean deprivation or not enjoying the finer things that are on offer — it’s more about exercising some self-control and opting for the best choices of foods 80% of the time, whilst allowing for indulgences during that small window of 20%. Here are some ways to do this. 

Five ways to make eating healthy easy

Rule One: Focus on the essentials for every meal –

Protein, complex carbs and cruciferous veggies. Make sure all your meals contain a wide variety of vegetables as the main component. Vegetables have lots of fibre, minerals and vitamins. They tend to keep you full for longer stretches and also happen to be very low calorie. So it’s tough to overeat veggies — although there is no harm in eating a little bit more than what you believe to be the right amount. Protein is also essential, as it helps our muscles recover and grow — but there is no need to over-consume protein. For starters, our body recycles protein, and we can get a lot from vegetables. Aim to change your perception of food groups and adopt more of a plant-based lifestyle. Not only will you experience fewer digestive upsets, but you will also feel a lot better and become leaner (not to mention the health benefits). That’s not to say you shouldn’t eat animal protein, but give plants a more significant spot on your plate and see the difference it can make. 

Rule Two: Plan your meals — have a Pinterest board of ideas

I love having my Pinterest board and seeking healthy recipes that are easy to cook. But, of course, you can always modify them as you wish while still keeping them healthy and ensuring they contain the three essential macronutrients required for optimal health. I also have a lot on Medium, and I’ll share a few very simple, easy to make recipes. This also includes treats too! Mini Raspberry Yogurt CheesecakesWho wants a cheesecake treat mid-week?a-dimos.medium.comVietnamese Spring Rolls With Peanut SauceSpruce up your lunchtime meals with something a little 

Rule Three: Batch cook to prepare for the week ahead — including kid’s lunches, work lunches, dinners etc.

Batch cooking is the perfect way to ensure that you get all your weekly meals ready to eat, so you can enjoy the rest of your time doing more essential tasks — or relaxing! A lot of people make poorer health choices because they fail to prepare. Don’t let that be you! Instead, prepare to look out for the health and wellbeing of you and your family. Greek Style Scrambled Eggs — Low CarbTake a trip to the Greek islands in your own kitchen!

Rule Four: Make some healthy snacks when the 3 pm sugar hit comes about.

My essential baking masterpieces compose sugar-free health snacks, which I can eat during the day. It’s essential to keep your energy up and use a variety of foods to do so. I NEED TO BE EXTRA VIGILANT because I have autoimmune responses to certain foods. As I only have a small window for diet variety, I make sure those foods are on hand regularly. If you have enough snacks and healthy food during the week, you won’t make poor choices when hungry. Don’t get into those destructive habits which compromise your health. 

Rule Five: Eat what’s in season for you right now.

If you eat in season, you are saving yourself from consuming fruit and veggies transported from another country, and where the nutritional value will not be at its peak when it arrives at you. Let this be your seasonal variety option — by eating what’s available during different times of the year. It’s easy to swap out things that aren’t available in summer, such as vegetables, to add winter alternatives. This should be a regular thing for you when you have favourite recipes. Don’t hold off because of one ingredient; use something else. Getting the best nutritional value should be your priority. It is simple & easily for anyone to adapt & keep working on these habits for their entire life. If you would like to read more articles like this or start writing your own, please sign up via my link. I’d love to see you on the other side. Sign up here for your medium subscription

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