What are your favorite weight loss tips?

Consistent effort over time leads to weight loss

Fat loss is the most favourite topic that has confused people for many years. I’m always fascinated by how many people are after something that could help them along this long journey. Let me say that, the learning part of the equation is just the start of it all. The results will come when you stay focused and committed to doing the work needed and staying on course despite what is happening around you. When you have this engraved in your psyche, then the rest will be very easy to manage. Therefore, I bring you some extra special tips, which do tend to speak very highly of weight training! I’m going to keep preaching how amazing weight training is for eliminating body fat, reshaping your body and keeping you healthy and younger looking for a very long time!

10 weight loss tips that are effective and anyone can do

  1. Make sure you push yourself at the gym. This is definitely key to losing body fat and creating a body shape to be proud of. Knowing what to do and how to execute it properly, as well as maintaining a high intensity, will see that results are generated. There are too many people in the gym just floating around. Set your intention every time you train, have a program, know what machines to use, and kill it every time.
  2. Compound lifts are the best strategy for weight loss and body re-shaping. Include deadlifts when it’s leg day, bench presses when it’s time for upper body, and chin ups. These are challenging exercise, but for a reason! They produce the best overall hormonal response necessary for fat burning, strength building and increasing muscle mass. Why not pick exercises like this that give you the most results without having to do too many other variations?
  3. Be as active as you can during the day, even though you have exercised already. Being extremely active is very important day to day. You must remember that sitting down too often decreases our life span. Prevent this by getting up off your chair regularly, going for a walk whenever you can, taking the stairs instead of the lift, spending time standing up, or using your legs to go and speak to your office staff, instead of resorting to email, skype or teams.
  4. No more added sugar. Sugar is just a nutritionally empty bunch of calories. It does nothing for you, apart from causing health problems and muck up your insulin. The best form of prevention is just to eliminate it for good, and move forward. You will be glad you did.
  5. Eat high quality proteins with every meal. That includes wild caught seafood, organic pastured meats and organic eggs. These contain the largest nutrient and protein content per calorie. Pick organic as much as you can, as it’s nutrient levels are of the highest value.
  6. Eat as many veggies as you can. Vegetables are the best source of vitamins and nutrients. They contain a lot of fiber, therefore, causing you to feel full for a lot longer. Couple them with protein, and you have a double powerhouse effect. Embrace the power of plants for your longevity and health.
  7. Keep up your water intake. Drink at least 3 litres of water per day, perhaps more if you have been exercising and sweating. Staying hydrated helps you to perform better in the gym, as well as detoxifying the body.
  8. Work on your pre-biotics before your pro-biotics. If you haven’t got any good bacteria in your gut, then swallowing pro-biotics isn’t going to help you in your quest of optimal gut health. Instead, perform a gut cleanse properly, making sure you stick to the diet. When it’s over, keep maintaining your foods but start introducing pro-biotics. It’s a slow process for ultimate gut health, but very rewarding when you get the fat burning results!
  9. Drink a black coffee before training. Taking caffeine before training, really powers up our workouts, and also helps us to burn calories. Have your coffee without milk, and perhaps adding some coconut butter to the mix for some extra energy!
  10. Reduce stress whenever possible. Stress really kills your energy, and leaves you completely exhausted. It also throws hormones out of whack, messes with your sleep and can trigger sugar cravings. Try some gentle relaxation walks, meditation or yoga. I’ve yet to master this tip as best as I can!

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