Top Five Fasting Tips to Keep You Motivated & On Track for Fat Loss

Writing in diary - to do list

The most manageable lifestyle made just that little bit more straightforward

I’m all for simplicity and price consciousness regarding lifestyle habits. I made weight loss far more complicated than it should have been for years. This was due to my ignorance and a little stubbornness, to be honest. As a result, I felt comfortable doing the same thing every day despite my lack of successful results! I think we can all get stuck in a rut sometimes. But, usually, it’s because we don’t know any other way, and trying something new can be downright scary! Fasting isn’t a hidden secret — people don’t try it because they fear skipping meals. We’re told NOT to miss any meals — to keep eating throughout the day. I used to think this was the right way too — but after years of trying and failing, I finally uncovered the power of intermittent fasting. First, it began as a weight-loss strategy and developed into a health and life enhancement mechanism. If you do not have any underlying health conditions, this might be the one thing you need to finally fast-track your weight loss results. 

5 top intermittent fasting tips that will keep you on track and motivated for fat loss

One: Always assess your progress

Take selfies of how you look before you start fasting, and keep a photo tally of your progress each step of the way. What are you eating, how are you feeling, and what is your fasting time? You can easily track all of this in an app for your phone type. It’s so rewarding to look back on and view your fasting progress. However, sometimes you can become judgemental during your lack of progress. Usually, it takes the body a little time to catch up — and that’s ok. But, sometimes, those subtle differences you can’t see with your eyes make the difference in helping you stay the course. What I did, in the beginning, was write everything in a diary. I wanted to assess how I felt during different fasting times and the results I gained. I also wanted to monitor my digestion — that was my fundamental reason for fasting. Several experts in the field recommended fasting for its gut-healing properties. It did help me a lot. If you would like to monitor your physique, I recommend body scans. Dexa scans are very popular (although pricey), and I used something called “In Body Scan.” That was competitively priced and something I could do once per month, so I knew I was on the right track. Scales don’t give me an overall picture — and it’s not always accurate. Body scans are. I believed it was worth the expense. 

Two: Make the fasting and feeding periods work for your lifestyle

Some people like fasting in the mornings, others in the evenings. There is no right or wrong. Work with your body’s energy levels and when you feel most hungry during the day. I’m starving in the mornings and usually finish my feeding around lunch. So I skip dinner and go to bed on an empty stomach. I wake, exercise, and then eat straight after. This may not work for some people, but it works very well for me — and it’s something I can always stick to. During the evening, all the healing in our bodies takes place. This is where the magic happens — and I feel that my gut and stomach are relaxed enough from taking a break, allowing me to have a deep and restful sleep. Do I find it hard to fall asleep? I do not. When I eat, that’s when I see it as challenging to sleep. Again, everyone reacts to food differently. If I were active during the evening, perhaps eating would be beneficial. The turning over of old cells into new ones occurs while we sleep. Therefore, it makes sense to allow our bodies the emptiness, making regeneration easier. If you want to read more on this, check out Dr Gundry’s — The longevity paradox. It will tell you all about healing your body. This is where I discovered some valuable insights. 

Three: Prepare your meals in advance — according to your meal times

Planning to succeed is the best way to ensure success. I always plan everything, as that gives me more of an advantage — plus, it’s a lot less stressful. If you have structured your feeding times on a schedule, plan your meals, buy all your ingredients and then head straight into the kitchen — if you do this, you are way ahead of most people. Make it as easy as possible for yourself, and don’t get bogged down in complex recipes. Simple is always best. If you eat animal protein, buy enough, pre-prepare and freeze for the week. Thaw when needed. Don’t forget your fresh vegetables as well. Fill up on those too. Please prepare your lunches for work, having them packed and ready when you rush out in the morning. I usually make things on the fly and prepare about two days in advance. I always have a salad at lunch with a protein source. Call me boring, but I get all my veggies, my source of fats, protein and carbs, in one hit. I am not one to make too much of a fuss. There is enough to overwhelm the lot of us in our daily life.  Mealtimes should be simple yet nutritious. 

Four: Change your feeding and fasting times regularly to beat boredom

I fast between 16 and 20 hours, alternating the time between this frame. After a very long fast (20 hours or so), I ensure I have a shorter one afterwards (between 12–and 16). Challenge yourself by extending that regular fasting time. Be sure to allow yourself more food the following day — but don’t eat the fridge contents. Create an excellent balance during the week to kick start your metabolism and increase your body’s healing capability. If you are ever unwell, stop and begin the day you feel better. Don’t torment yourself with this. Fasting is supposed to be flexible, fun and easy. Listen to your body, and nudge the fasting period a little longer every time. You will be amazed at how easy it can be. 

Five: When fasting, drink lots of water, herbal teas and mineral water

On cold days, I prefer hot beverages like herbal teas and coffee. When the temperatures start to climb, I love nothing more than some mineral water with ice and a slice of lemon. This is refreshing and hits the spot after a long day at work. Drink lots of water, and keep yourself hydrated during winter and summer. Some people prefer to drink hot water. I recommend adding some sliced ginger and lemon to this — it’s a great anti-inflammatory. Warm water on an empty stomach in the mornings helps digestion and elimination. It’s an excellent tonic too. 

Key Take away

Play around with some of these ideas; remember, you can alter things as you go. Whilst I prefer fasting daily (as it keeps me accountable), some people prefer fasting from Monday to Friday. That leaves the weekend up for social events. Either way — when you use fasting as a lifestyle tool — you will gain many benefits beyond another form of dieting. I don’t even call fasting a diet — because it isn’t. Fasting is something you can do for overall health and longevity while leading a healthy and flexible life. We all travel, go on holidays and experience significant events during stages of our lives — and fasting is the quiet achiever in the background, helping you attain peak health along the way. You will begin to feel wonderful as you keep fasting. It will have you hooked for life! 

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