1 Method of Training That Can Supercharge a Sluggish Metabolism

Training That Can Supercharge a Sluggish Metabolism

Please don’t dismiss this method because it’s challenging

Many years ago, I trained very hard to prepare for bodybuilding shows. The method was wholly focused on building muscle whilst maintaining a lean physique. Was this hard to do simultaneously — yes, it was! If I had my time all over again, I would surely do quite a few things more sustainably — but we all live and learn from our mistakes. I used a lot of near-show time to do a small amount of cardio. This wasn’t just any form of cardio; it was short, intense bouts of challenging effort followed by a slight recovery. I did this repeatedly until I hit my 25-minute mark. 

You have probably guessed that’s a very detailed description of interval training — and you would be right.

 When I began interval training, I wasn’t that great at it. Over time, I slowly became much faster and could increase the effort rate — but that took time. Many people believe you should sprint at a speed that would increase your chances of collapsing — but that isn’t true. As with weight lifting, challenging yourself is a must. But the point where we start the journey isn’t where we are six months down the track.

Our body adapts, and we keep pushing ourselves. HIIT is no different. HIIT is the best training method for those struggling with a sluggish metabolism or excess belly fat that’s hard to eliminate. Researchers recruited eight healthy, untrained male volunteers to complete five weeks of high-intensity cycling to test how efficient HIIT is. 

These men worked out thrice weekly, finishing four minutes of cycling at a target rate of more than 90 per cent of their max heart rate, followed by a two-minute rest. This particular pattern was repeated five times per workout. 

The participants’ tissue proteins were analysed before and after the study. Tests showed increased production of proteins used to build mitochondria, which produce energy in cells, and proteins related to muscle contractions. Researchers also identified increases in the acetylation of mitochondrial proteins and enzymes involved in cellular energy production. 

Changes occurred in skeletal muscle proteins, and some new ones were identified. From this study, we can be assured that HIIT boosts the number of proteins in skeletal muscles essential for metabolism and muscle contraction and chemically alters critical metabolic proteins. 

Exercise is beneficial for preventing and treating metabolic diseases due to changes in the skeletal muscles. It’s essential to perform HIIT a few times per week to see the external benefits (as fat loss occurs) and the internal factors that help you increase endurance and keep you fit and healthy. While HIIT is important, I understand that many people find this type of exercise very intense. 

Build upon your intensity as time passes, no matter how long it takes. You could use a stationary bike, treadmill or perhaps a cross-trainer. Try a few different machine alterations to find the most suitable one. It’s also important to stick with a calorie-controlled diet to get the best benefits of fat loss and body composition.

 Don’t forget that HIIT is exceptionally intense, so 20 minutes a few times a week is sufficient. P

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