A brisk walk is better before or after dinner?

Walking is probably the best low impact exercise anyone can do. I love that at any age, you can take up walking as a form of exercise, even if you are injured. It’s one of the best ways to keep fit and get in those much-needed steps.

I highly recommend that more and more people of all ages and walks of life focus on walking as much as they possibly can. Not just for one day, but every single day. It’s so important to keep active, and there is always room to walk that little bit of extra distance. You can take the stairs, leave your car at home and walk to a particular destination, you can even park your car further away. It’s so easy to integrate more steps into your exercise schedule.

It doesn’t matter what time of day, walking still burns calories. If you create some kind of caloric deficit within your diet, you will experience fat loss. There is no doubt about that. Walking does help us to increase our caloric expenditure, without putting the body through too much stress. It’s really unfortunate that most of us spend hours upon hours leading a sedentary lifestyle. This only increase our chances of developing a disease as well as increases in body fat. One way to increase your caloric burn is to alter your pace and try different routines where you may find lots of hills and inclines. Perhaps take the stairs along your route for extra intensity. All of this will help you a lot.

If you want to maintain your weight then walking should make up a portion of your exercise routine. Even if you have trained with weights the same day, get outside and take a walk – or use a treadmill if the weather does not permit it.

If I can share with you my walking schedule on a day to day basis. I walk before and after I eat. I make it a preference to walk a lot more after consuming food. Why? Well, it helps me digest and also stops the feeling of food sitting in my belly. I can sometimes have an uncomfortable experience with food. Sometimes I may eat a bit too much, or perhaps I’m stressed and can’t eat too much. Whatever the case, I get out there and walk before and after food. After food is the most beneficial for me – I just feel better for it.

For you, I would recommend scheduling walking adventures during the day. Don’t just subject yourself to a walk once a day. Break it up, get some sunshine, then perhaps walk before the sun rises. This is when it will be the most peaceful and a great time to do some meditation or visualisation in a park. Nothing beats the freshness and the new beginnings of a glorious morning. If it’s raining, get yourself an umbrella and enjoy the wonderful peaceful sounds that rain can bring.

There is no right or wrong here. Walk as much as you can during the day, and whenever you get a break. Use walking as a means of breaking away from your environment and to get clarity or have a break from your computer. There is no doubt that walking is a benefit for anyone, any time of the day.

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