Four secret ways to shed belly fat in one week

Belly fat is a sore point for many people. Even those of us who are lean suffer from the odd bout of bloating and that protruding belly. No matter what size you are, at one time during your life, you may find yourself at a loss for what to do with that belly. Well, I have good news for you! You can do a couple of things within a week to shed some of that bloat and water weight. Unless you are morbidly obese, you probably won’t be able to lose a whole lot of weight in one week. Your fat loss rate depends on how much you already have on your body and the drastic changes you start making to your diet. Unfortunately, If you want drastic changes, you will have to eliminate what you are currently doing. I’m not sure of your current diet maybe, but you will need to put all that aside and do what’s necessary if you want to get quick results. Before I go ahead and let you in on a fat belly burning secret, you must stick with the plan for life. There is no sense in starting a diet that works and then stopping after a few months. There will be a time when you need to go through what we call the “maintenance stage” where you are happy with your results but need to sustain them. This takes a little bit of self-awareness, and it’s in your best interest to always be super aware of what you are eating. One slip up can lead to excess weight without your awareness. This has happened to me on many occasions, and everyone has their triggers. I find that stress is a big one for me. If you can pinpoint when you start to move towards the sidelines, you will have a better chance of stopping it before it gets out of control.And with that, I’d like to share a couple of things I do and have done to shed some of that excess belly fat. It will flow from the order of importance and the one that will get you the best results.

Four secret ways to shed belly fat in one week

  1. Intermittently fast. If you are inclined to eat five meals a day and love snacking, this will probably be challenging for the first couple of weeks. But, I assure you, the struggle will be worth the results. You will notice a diminishment in your belly fat only after one week of fasting. Most of it will be water weight, but you will start seeing better and better results as time progresses. What’s the best fasting time? I recommend anywhere from 16/24 hour fasts. But, the challenge is, you must fast every single day in that week. You must consume nothing but fluids when you are fasting and eat whole foods when it’s time for your meals. I know this is hard, but if you want results in a week, this is the best way to go. Over time, it will become a lot easier for you.
  2. Juicing. For this one, I refer to predominantly berries and limited amounts of frozen banana, protein powder and some flaxseeds. This is a great breakfast and will help flush out toxins and eliminate bloating and belly fat. I like to add some spices like cinnamon and even spinach and celery. Green veggies are great for morning smoothies. I have mine every single day and never miss it. It’s such a refreshing and antioxidant-rich start to the day. I love it.
  3. HIIT. This is, by far, the best form of cardio you can do to eliminate belly fat. It targets that visceral fat mass stored around your abdominal organs — which is the most dangerous kind. Although there is no way to spot-reduce fat on your body, HIIT may be the closest thing to your own personal “belly fat-blasting workout.” The reason why it’s so effective is that you push the intensity to higher levels whilst allowing a small window of recovery afterwards. It uses an energy system that taps into stored fat for fuel. This is done over and over again for only 20–25 minutes. More time than this isn’t practical and can cause burn out. You know you worked hard if you are gasping for breath & drenched in sweat after those 20 minutes. If not, then challenge yourself each and every time to push a little harder.
  4. Carb cycle. I have been one to eliminate carbs from my diet — with excellent results. It’s when you introduce them back into your life when things get a bit rough. The best way to offset this is to carb cycle. This is when you allocate your carb intake every single day, allowing a higher carb rate when you are working out. You should only really have one high carb day if you need to lose some serious weight. Spend most of the time on the lower end of the carb spectrum. This is a great way to restore glycogen from all the clean eating and exercising.

Results may vary from person to person. Keep in mind that we didn’t even touch dieting, but if you are going to fast intermittently and eat healthily, you should still lose weight. If at all in doubt, or you have any health conditions — please see your doctor. I would love you to upvote it if you did. Please also join me on my various social platforms and do go ahead and download your 40 Fat Loss Tips & Portions guide I’m also on Instagram.

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