A New & Tasty Nutrient Coffee Boost Trend You Must Try

Woman holding a warm cup of coffee

Why not enhance the depth of your coffee by adding this to it

Maybe I’m old, but I’m yet to get onto Tik Tok. ‘
It’s something that I’ve contemplated for a while, more so because I get to listen to (and become quite shocked) all the home remedies, both young and old, reveal.
I’m all for trying out different alternatives when it comes to coffee.
The price of coffee in Sydney is now at an all-time high, and I have somewhat begun to limit my external purchasing. So, increasing my coffee variety is very beneficial — and I’m listening to any tips you may also have!
Adding nutrient-boosting ingredients to my coffee is what I’m after.

Remember the ‘bulletproof coffee?’

Gone are the days of your usual ‘bulletproof coffee.” Instead, we all want something more beneficial under our coffee belts.
One trend is called “proffee”, which combines protein and coffee.
However, if you get onto Tik Tok, there will be so many alternatives that it might make you mad!
After a pre-workout without the added fluff and smelly ingredients, why not combine your black brew with protein powder and give yourself an enhanced workout?
Caffeine naturally improves your muscles’ contractions and resistance to fatigue. But, it would be best to drink your brew 60 minutes before exercising to attain the effect.
Muscle protein synthesis techniques are your best friend for those who want to add gains while keeping their body weight in check.
Adding protein into your meal plan throughout the day ensures your muscles don’t miss out on the needed protein to help them grow.

The medicinal powers of collagen

Surprisingly, it’s not only protein that you can add to your coffee but another key nutrient that adds an extra bit of ‘oomph’– collagen.
Collagen is the most prominent protein in our bodies and is natural.
However, collagen lacks one key amino, tryptophan, so it’s not officially a ‘complete protein’ like many other nutrients.
So, collagen can contribute to your overall daily protein intake but should be combined with other protein sources.
Adding collagen to your coffee has skin benefits, as well as helping to enhance your gut bacteria.
It’s also great at helping relieve joint pain. Like me, you might feel joint pain or inflammation if you are a little older. Collagen supplementation can help ease this.
To get the best benefits, it’s a matter of purchasing the right type. Aim for collagen peptides that are grass-fed and pasture-raised too.
You can have this proffee during the day, especially when you need an energy boost.

Here are some key ingredients you could add to your collagen powder

  • Vitamin C & E
  • Biotin
  • Hyaluronic acid
If you would like some recipe inspiration, please feel free to visit this website.

Key takeaway

If you were wondering about heat and collagen, I want to send you virtual claps. Heat can cause the protein in collagen to degrade, which will make its added benefits of it useless.
Brew your coffee at 195–205 degrees, which won’t affect the benefits. Better still, why not have your coffee cold to be on the safe side?

Here’s how you should brew your coffee, then add collagen:

One: make your coffee the usual way
Two: Make sure you measure the adequate amount of collagen
Three: Stir the powder into the coffee until it’s dissolved

You can find some beneficial collagen protein alternatives here:

  • You can purchase Glow Elixir here *
  • Nutra organics is here *
Have you made proffee at all, and what’s your experience?

*These links are affiliate products and do not affect your purchase price. They provide me with a small income when you purchase from the links. My personal use and recommendations endorse them. *

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