One Thing We All Missed Which is Contributing to Heart Disease

Man carrying a box of freshly picked vegetables

The place we derive our food might be contributing to disease

Plant food sources are the most fundamental components of health.
We are told time and time again to eat more plant food sources for better health and longevity.
One problem we all face is embedded in silence, and it causes much more damage than something which can be seen.
That’s the effects of pesticides and heavy metals on our health.
Unfortunately, the soil from which our plants derive is riddled with contamination but much less dangerous to human health than dirty air.
What seems to be occurring now is the mounting evidence that pollutants in soil may damage cardiovascular health via inflammation and disrupt our circadian rhythm.
It’s staggering that air, water and soil are responsible for nearly nine million deaths annually!
More than 60 per cent of these deaths are pollution-related diseases and eventual death due to cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and heart rhythm disorders.
Some toxic soil components include heavy metals, pesticides and plastics. Heavy metals such as lead, plastics, and even organic pesticides can be accidentally consumed orally.
These pollutants seep into rivers to create dirt water that humans may consume.
Pesticides have been linked to many health problems over the years.
If it’s not bad enough that agricultural employees are exposed to this regularly whilst the general public faces exposure from ingestion via the contaminated food, soil and water.
These contaminants might increase oxidative stress in the blood vessels, causing an imbalance between free radicals.
That leads to inflammation and disruptions to your natural body clock.
Some chemicals may leach into our food when using plastics to consume coffee and heat food.

Here are two harmful contaminants to understand and become aware of

One: Lead

Naturally occurring, this is usually more apparent through mining, smelting, manufacturing and recycling.
Studies indicate that it can increase your risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease.
If you have diabetes, then you also run the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Two: Cadmium
A heavy metal occurs naturally in small amounts through the air, water, soil and food.
Food is the primary source of cadmium in non-smokers.
In cities like Korea, a study shows that middle-aged Koreans with high blood Cadmium had elevated stroke risks and hypertension.
What we do need is to find out how the effects of multiple soil pollutants on human beings. We are rarely exposed to just one culprit, but several at a time.
Research on this should be required urgently, as microplastics might increase the effects of cardiovascular disease.
Once we know more, wearing masks in exposable areas might still be a good idea, limiting wind-blown dust.
Although you might drink tap water, it’s probably a healthier choice to filter any water you consume to remove contaminants.
For food, buy vegetables and fruit grown in healthy soil.
Perhaps it may be ideal for all of us to ask our grocer or small business farmer to indicate the quality of their soil and any contaminants used.
Speak to your local supplier for more information. It pays to ask the question.

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