One Supplement You May Be Wasting Your Money on to Combat Cardiovascular Disease

One Supplement You May Be Wasting Your Money on to Combat Cardiovascular Disease

Don’t waste your money or effort on this one

Both the young and old spend their valuable income on supplements and multivitamins. Many American adults take a multivitamin supplement, believing it will benefit their health and longevity. They are not alone — I shared that belief too. The physician’s health study is possibly the only large scale, long term trial testing the effects of taking a multivitamin to reduce cardiovascular disease. Researcher’s uncovered over 11 years of follow up with the study participants that there was NO significant difference in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Both the placebo and multivitamin groups experienced the same results. Throughout the study, this team of researchers had the opportunity to evaluate some different dietary factors, such as; Intake of fruit and veggies, whole grains, nuts, dairy products, red and processed meats, and some vitamins. Overall, the investigators found that foods, nutrients, and dietary patterns or supplements assessed before the trial began had no measurable influence on the efficiency of the multivitamins impact on cardiovascular disease risk in middle-aged and older men. It was thought that men who had poor nutritional habits would benefit more from the long term use of multivitamins. But unfortunately, that was not the case — as stated by corresponding author Howard Sesso, ScD & MPH of the Division of Preventative Medicine and the Division of Ageing at BWH. More clinical trials are required. In the meantime, you can read more about this study here.


Key takeaways

Unfortunately, most of us become fixated on quick fixes to fulfill our health and weight-loss goals. Using nutrition and exercise as a lifestyle habit will put you in a better position than gambling on supplements and false hope. Here are some simple and effective things you can start doing today that will help you eliminate the risk of cardiovascular disease. One: Keep tabs on your weight by eating natural, wholesome, and REAL foods daily. Two: Exercise — just 30 minutes of walking or 7,500 steps per day. Three: Increase the intensity by weight training 3–4 times per week. Four: Try intermittent fasting to control your blood sugar and lower your cholesterol (see your doctor first if you have diabetes) Five: Eat more veggies than meats Six: Manage stress as a lifestyle habit that’s used regularly (like meditation and showing gratitude) These lifestyle habits take some time to start filtering into your daily life and making them part of your overall lifestyle plan. It’s never too late to start making positive changes in your life to bypass your risk of developing any disease. There is no better medicine than that of food. 

As Hippocrates wisely said,

“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

If a man from 400BC knew the impact of nutrition to combat disease, we should follow that same old and trusted advice that hasn’t failed us yet. 

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