Six factors that could hinder your weight training results

Weight training results are not always based on what you are doing in the gym, but also how your body is operating, your daily routine and your nutrition. All these factors play a huge role in your results or none at all. This poses some interesting points for me to discuss regarding weight training, and what’s needed long term, to generate some results.

Before we go any further, your particular diet is essential. Weight training is tough to come by if you are not taking the necessary nutritional steps to make it happen. The following are very important if you want to make progress:-

Six factors that could hinder your weight training results

  1. Make sure you are eating enough protein, and it’s spaced out through the day accordingly to re-stock, allowing for protein synthesist to occur. For those of us who lift a weight, we can get away with some extra protein during the day. To work out your set point requires a bit of experimentation and observation. Start slowly increasing your portions of protein and assess your body composition accordingly. This increase may not pose a big problem because most people are eating far less protein in general.
  2. Time your carbs accordingly – that means, when you are training intensely, make sure those are your higher carb days. Eat only complex carbohydrates as you may fall prey to putting on excess fat stores. This is known as carb cycling and is very effective at replenishing muscle glycogen as well as helping you maintain a lean shape.
  3. Supplementing anything that may be lacking in your diet. Although I’m not a big fan of supplements, I do recommend you take what is lacking in your diet. For instance, if you are a vegan or vegetarian, you may have to supplement with fish oil and iron. Find out what is missing and try to make up for it as best as you can with some form of supplementation.
  4. Look after your gut health. I’m a testament to this one, as my gut health is appalling, due to autoimmune disease. If you are not absorbing your nutrients properly, then you will lack both energy and fuel to train appropriately, generate gains or even strengthen your body. It’s always a good idea to check with your doctor and keep on top of this every quarter.
  5. Ease off on the stress levels. Stress causes elevated levels of cortisol. Higher and prolonged levels of cortisol can cause many health issues and slowly eat away at your muscle mass. You can most definitely take control of this immediately, by becoming more aware of your stress triggers and forming some strategy to stop it from escalating too high. That could be some meditation practises breathing or even yoga. My favourite is just getting outdoors and going for a walk – despite the rain, hail or shine. Getting outside and into the fresh air makes a huge difference.
  6. Exhaustion – are you pushing too much. It’s not the amount of time you spend in the gym; it’s the quality of your workout. I see so many people rushing from 4–5 different machines, exhausting themselves and never changing shape. This is not the way to progress – and proper programming is necessary to achieve your goals. Remember that more than one hour of training is not essential to deliver results. Work hard for shorter periods, doing the required exercises, and that’s it.

You may or may not be aware of the points above, but they could be hindering any progression you will make when weight training. Results for each individual will differ, and novices will tend to make a speedy progression, unlike most of us old-timer lifters. Results can come within 2 – 6 months, perhaps even 12. When you get to that set point of building muscle, it takes lots of guts to keep ongoing.

Weight training results are not always based on what you are doing in the gym, but also how your body is operating, your daily routine and your nutrition. All these factors play a huge role in your results or none at all. This poses some interesting points for me to discuss regarding weight training, and what’s needed long term, to generate some results.

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