Does extended time training at high elevation cause muscle loss?

Absolutely, the answer to this is yes! I do not recommend (and various studies have shown) that exercising for extended periods of time produces high levels of cortisol, which increases your risk of losing muscle mass.

Generally speaking, your workout should be less than an hour, or an hour maximum. Just think of it this way, if still have some energy reserves left over after an hour of training, then quite possibly you aren’t training as effectively and efficiently as you should. A workout that’s designed to fatigue your nervous system, therefore making an overall difference to your physique and body fat composition, should be intense enough within 60 minutes. When on a program, you want to make the best out of your training session, therefore, having a focus on getting into the gym (or whatever training facility you use) and getting the job done. That means, no texting or looking at YouTube videos, or having long conversations with other patrons. You want to transition from set to set with proper form, requiring concentration and laser focus.

When your workout exceeds beyond the 60-minute mark, you greatly increase your cortisol levels. The truth is, working out increases your cortisol anyway, but in a positive way. To keep on hammering out endless sets and repetitions for 1.5 hours and beyond will greatly exceed cortisol beyond what’s beneficial in terms of enhancing muscular growth and promoting fat burning.

It is absolutely counterproductive to your goals, because the body will then succumb to call on amino acids from your muscles to use for fuel, preserving carbohydrate stores. If you keep on doing this, day after day, your body will become over stressed, and the rate of recovery from exercise will become extended. You will feel more exhausted and unable to perform the range of movements necessary. I know how this feels, as I too have made this mistake several times.

Final tip:

If your intention is to build muscle mass and strength, then please do not perform weight training in conjunction with interval training (HIIT). This will greatly decrease your energy levels, leaving you with a mediocre effort saved for weights, and again, over taxing the nervous system. Split them apart, and allow for adequate recovery, including proper fuel (protein, fats and carbs) to aid your recovery.

I do hope this has been short, sweet and helpful information for you to get the most out of both your cardio and strength training efforts. Just remember, more is not necessarily better. If you appreciate this, why not stick with my ranting via my website or join me on fb and insta social. Please feel free to upvote this answer if it has been useful in some way to you.

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