5 reasons why all women should weight train

I’m going to be very one-sided in my answer, only because I do not know of any negative aspects of weight training (if done effectively, that is!). The only way a particular exercise would have any adverse effects would be if it were implemented within an obsessive manner, causing injury and health risks. Thankfully with weight training, it’s somewhat hard to conduct in that manner, due to the constant flux of delayed onset muscle soreness – which sometimes stops you in your tracks. That’s not a bad thing by the way!

Let’s get into the meaty part of this question so that I can sell you the benefits of weight training for women, and the endless benefits it provides now, and well into old age!

Five reasons why women should weight train

  1. Training with weights helps you lose more body fat. Not many people sing praises at how beneficial building muscle is for your body composition and your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn at rest. Weight training has been know to lead a weight loss average of about 1.7kg of fat in both standard and overweight individuals. The other wonderful thing is that you preserve lean mass and metabolic rate. The opposite is true with steady-state cardio. It increases your chances of losing that precious muscle mass, leading to being even more overweight and decreasing your metabolism.
  2. It changes your body shape. Who doesn’t want a more lean, athletic and toned physique? Well, this is what you can get with strength training! The best way to do this is by forming a proper nutritional plan and using weights as your partner along the weight loss journey. When you eat well, you will generally magnify your results, and of course, that will depend on how lean or toned you plan on getting. The choices are ultimately yours. The best schedule is to train with weights 3–4 times per week, splitting your body parts into groups, such as biceps and triceps, back and shoulders. Even three times a week (for someone untrained) will get you some significant fat loss and muscle building results.
  3. It will increase your endurance towards athletic capabilities. When you increase your athleticism, it will boost your bodies maximum capacity to transport oxygen, as well as raise adaptive signalling in muscles for increased work capacity and speed. This is excellent news for anyone that performs sports that require this ultimate performance characteristic. As a regular person, you can tap into this and use it to your advantage. Run faster, jump higher and increase your range of movement.
  4. It will increase your ability to sleep soundly and reduce pain. Everyone that’s physically active can use the advantage of a more sounder, and deeper sleep. This not only rejuvenates us but allows our bodies to repair and muscles to grow. Better sleep also has a profoundly positive effect on glycemic control, diminishes our risk of diabetes and inhibits us from gaining body fat in the future. It will also help us to make better food choices during the day, and not succumb to the cravings that sleep deprivation seems to exhibit.
  5. It helps us build better bone mass – leading to fewer fractures. As you lift weights and increase the heaviness of them, your bone mass will become stronger and denser. This translates to a much more muscular physique, that will be prone to fewer falls and fractures as we age.

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